Hot Wheels ✨

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They made their way to the counter, allowing a lone male with greasy brown hair to take the lead. Mr. Tommy shuffled from the kitchen section to the marbled surface with a small notepad in his hands. "Welcome to Tommy's Diner, what can I get for you all today?", he asked while lifting his pen. Emo Boy #1 removed a toothpick from his mouth and offered him a sleazy smile. I rolled my eyes already feeling the bad vibes rolling off him in waves. I gathered everyone's attention and we went back to minding our business but occasionally listening in on their interaction. A couple of minutes passed after they made their order without too much of a fuss then Emo Boy #1 started getting restless.

"Hey, gramps! Could you hurry the hell up?! It shouldn't take that long to fix a couple sodas!", he shouted earning a few nervous chuckles from the other guys around him. Vanessa sighed through her nose and looked over her shoulder. Mr. Tommy apologized for the wait earning a snort from the walking grease bucket at the front of the diner. "Hey, asshole! If you wanted a quick drink, there's a fast food place not too far from here. Maybe they'll take your shitty attitude.", Vanessa called out from her seat. The asshole in question averted his attention from Mr. and Mrs. Tommy to our motley crew with a raised brow. "Easy, hon'. Don't go sticking your nose in business that doesn't concern you.", he warned. At that moment, I knew that our hopes for a peaceful first night had been dashed.

Liz scoffed and a familiar smirk crossed her features. "Except it does concern her! It concerns all of us that you're harassing a senior citizen in his own building. Where the fuck are your manners?", she wondered aloud. Mr. Tommy had stopped working at this point and had joined Mrs. Tommy to watch the scene unfold with pride and worry in their eyes. Apologies to them would be in order to them in case shit got out of hand like it knew it would. Emo Boy #1 took a few steps forward in a weak attempt to intimidate us. Underneath the table, I rolled up my sleeves and moved all my rings to my more dominant hand. This would be my first fight in a long while, but I didn't plan on making it a long one.

Vanessa and Lizette stood and I readied myself mentally and physically. "You've got big mouths... I'd love to fill them someti-", he spoke while placing a hand on Vanessa's shoulder. He was cut off by a sharp shove backward. He tumbled a few feet into a few of the other boys, nearly knocking them over. "I suggest you stop talking. You kiss your mother with that mouth?", Vanessa asked as I slipped between the two of them. At some point, I registered the familiar chime of the front door, but I was too focused on defusing the situation. "This has gone far enough. Apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy, and we'll apologize to you. Deal?", I offered as Emo Boy #1 stood again. His hair was disheveled from his near fall making him look a little crazier than before. "Not a chance, bitch.", he spat with fury in his eyes. I sighed internally and outwardly shook my head.

There was a split second when it looked like he was about to raise his fist then the sound of a match striking met my ears. Emo Boy froze and began to pale significantly. Slowly, the lot of them turned around allowing us to see four more guys making their way toward us. A tall guy with brown hair lit a cigarette with a match before taking a long drag from it. He put out the match and stuck it behind his ear while blowing smoke through his nose. A taller guy to his right carded a hand through his long, dark hair a began looking over our group with dull boredom in his bright hazel eyes. A shorter guy with curly jammed a hand in his pocket and wrapped a tattooed arm around the fourth guy.

The fourth guy removed a pair of black sunglasses from his face allowing dark circles to be seen around his deep brown eyes. His hair was bright white and pitch black at the roots as he placed the shades atop his head. A dark denim jacket hung off his shoulders, and several silver chains glittered around his neck. "What's with the holdup, Ash? You've been gone for thirty minutes.", the white-haired guy asked tiredly causing his now sweating counterpart to chuckle nervously. All around him, the guys Emo Boy had come in with distanced themselves from him. "It's nothing, Danny! Just a little misunderstanding, nothing to worry about.", he replied earning a scoff from Maria who'd been watching the entire thing unfold silently. The one named Danny looked at me and the girls behind me.

"They don't think so, and I'm starting to think the same way. Explain yourself.", he demanded. Emo Boy Ash began to stutter and trip over his words as his confidence left him. Liz huffed and spoke up. "Your buddy came in here and started disrespecting Mr. Tommy. Then he got all threatening and weird when we called him out on it. He put a hand on my friend without her consent and she shoved him. That's the story.", she explained while glaring in Ash's direction. The tall dark-haired one frowned and turned to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy who were still in the same spot as before. "Is that true?", he questioned to which Mr. Tommy replied with a silent nod. An exasperated sigh left Danny's mouth and Ash paled even more. "What have I told you about making trouble when you're with me, huh? Harassing people isn't our way.", he reprimanded him calmly.

He looked at the dark-haired one before gesturing to the door and nodding. With a humorless smirk, he stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Ash's shoulder. He then led him out of the diner and somewhere around the corner of the building. Danny looked at the remaining guys and addressed them. "Unless you want to end up like your pal outside, I suggest you get lost and get lost quick.", he more or less demanded. It didn't take long for them to clear the area after that.

The other tall one followed behind them with the curly-haired one at his side. "I would like to extend my deepest apologies to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy as well as you all on behalf of my ill-mannered companions. Trust that it will never happen again.", he spoke sincerely after everyone else had left. Finally, Mr. Tommy broke his silence and brightened his face with a smile. "No worries! I'm just glad things didn't as far as they could've. Your friends might've gotten hurt if they had.", he replied. At his words, Danny's mood seemed to lighten with the atmosphere. Maria stifled a laugh and guided Kira and Jasmine back to their seats. Vanessa and Lizette followed after them. I finally cracked a smile and leaned against our booth.

"Well, I wish I could stay longer, but I have some things to sort out.", he hummed while perching his sunglasses across his nose. He turned to politely nod and smile at Mr. and Mrs. Tommy before walking to the exit. As he pushed the door open, he looked back at me and smirked.

"I hope to see you around while we're here. I wouldn't mind you showing me a good time!~"


(A/N): Hello again!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! It took about 2-3 days to write this lol. Anyways, hopefully, I'll be able to update more on my other books as well as this one. I might be able to work out a proper schedule, too! I hope you all are doing well. Please remember to eat, drink water, take your meds, and take care of yourselves! Please be safe, and if you can't be safe be careful!! I LOVE YOU ALL <333

thesmolbean out.

Danny Phantom.exe Oneshots~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora