- But... how is this possible ?

The broken glass still lay on the floor near the couch. Astrea and Garrett were standing across from each other. A few drops of blood had stained the floor, but Astrea bore no wounds...


Astrea Cullen

I heard Dad and the others arrive before they even opened the door. Garrett apparently did too, because he stepped away from me with a growl. Quicker than lightning, he wiped away the blood that was still running down his lower lip with the back of his hand, and we got to our feet.

- Are you all right ? I whispered to him, meeting his eyes.

He nodded and smiled.

- But... how is that possible ?

Esme's voice reached my ears and pulled me out of the strange trance I was in. With a slight gasp of surprise, I turned to her. I met her intrigued eyes and instinctively understood that there was a problem... But what was it ?

- Astrea...

I turned to my father. He didn't seem to be angry anymore, and was looking at me with a frightened expression. Although I was still a little angry at him for getting upset earlier, I was glad he had pulled himself together.

- Astrea, I thought you were hurt... He said in a breath.

- Oh, yes, but don't worry, it's no big deal ! I exclaimed, a smile in the corner in order to reassure him.

Except that it is the opposite effect which occurred.

- What do you mean ? Replied my father, his voice tense.

- What do you mean, "what do you mean" ? You can see it ! I glanced in Edward's direction to get some support, but he seemed completely out of it. He was watching Garrett and me in turn, with a strange expression on his face. What was he so upset about ?

Dad moved closer to us, and Garrett took a step forward, looking suspicious. Everyone held their breath. They weren't going to do that again, were they ? But my father remained calm and stood facing his friend, asking :

- Didn't she have injuries earlier ?

I was about to answer that I did, but Garrett's answer stopped me in my tracks.

- Yes, but they're already healed.

- But, well, how...

- Questions later ; Astrea is tired, I'll take her to her room.

If anyone disagreed with his decision, the threatening accent in his voice was enough to make him decide not to leave out any objections. Me included, but I didn't see why he was saying that, I was fine, thank you !

He wants to talk to me.

I jumped. What was that ? Why this sudden certainty ? Garrett took me by the shoulders and led me upstairs. I was still confused by what I had just heard, and I would have been sprawled out in the hallway leading to my room if Garrett hadn't caught me in time. Once I was sitting on my bed, Garrett knelt down beside me and looked me in the eye.

- Listen, I have something to tell you. It's really important.

I motioned for him to continue.

- What do you remember, just before Carlisle and the others arrived ?

He was looking at me, but no emotion came over his face for me to determine.

- Well...

I racked my brain. That was a good question... By dint of searching, the sensations came back little by little and I felt my cheeks catch fire. I looked away, a little embarrassed. I only looked up when I heard Garrett's laughter.

- You ask me the question, but you already know the answer ? I grumbled to hide my embarrassment.

- Yes, honey.

Honey... It gets better and better ! But despite my anger, I could feel his infectious good humor.

Wait, I felt ? Just like before with the certainty that he wanted to talk to me ? How come ?

- Stop turning the same questions over and over in your head, Astrea. You're giving me a headache.

- How do you know that ?

I was determined to get some answers, especially since he seemed to know !

- I don't know everything, but I'll be able to enlighten you on certain points... Like for example, what happened earlier before we were... Interrupted... He murmured, moving my hair to reveal my neck, which still bore the slightest trace of the bite.

His gaze clouded with desire and the feel of his lips on my neck came back to me and made me shiver. Garrett moved to sit next to me.

- Well, start thinking about something else, because you're distracting me...

I slapped him on the arm, which he dodged with ease. Then, finding his seriousness again, he ended up confessing what was important to him.

- I know this is going to be hard to hear, but you should know that the reason we kept the truth from you for so long is because Carlisle was never really ready to tell you, and we only wanted you to be well. That you're a pretty... Well, normal kid.

- When did I have a normal childhood, tell me ? I cut him off, looking up at the ceiling.

- Carlisle, Edward, Esme and I are vampires.


A new chapter every two days from ten o'clock (French time)!

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