95-thranduil x reader

Start from the beginning

"what for?" he asks gently.

"it... it is my fault that Calen has died, my king. i didnt listen to him and went on with my own fight, instead of going to help him like he asked me to. if i had... he may have been alive today" you whisper.

he watchs with his eyes wide as you take off your armor, and your uniform off of you, they clatter on the ground beside you, and you are left in your night gown, your weapons lying infront of you in defeat.

you fall to your knees again, and your hands are in a praying position infront of you, with the bandage on your right hand.

"please, forgive me your majesty, for causing the death of one of your warriors" you say, eyes closed, but a strain in your voice.

he stares at you in silence, a bit surprised.

truly {Y/N}, do you think i care? i only care for you, care for your well being, and care for you being around me.

he shakes his head and sighs.

"it is none of your fault, my bravest warrior. i trust your judgement" he comments, stepping closer to you.

"no... my king... my judgement brought to the death of a warrior..." you mutter, he hears the strain even more, and you are almost crying, with one of your hands now clutched at your chest.

"i ignored the need of my friend and brought to his death. if i had listened to him... i might have saved him. you cant allow me to stay at my position when im such a bad team worker" you are crying now, he can hear it, and he sees a tear fall onto the floor from your face.

"oh, my dear" he sighs, walking closer to you and placing a hand on your cheek, carressing your cheek with his fingers.

your breath hitchs at the kings touch, and your tears start to spill out.

"you are the bravest warrior in my guard. some come and go, and the task of a guard is to protect with his life. you are the only warrior of mine i would never spend" he says lowly, his palm on the side of your face.

you look up at him with your red eyes and tear streamed cheeks.

"i-i failed you my king. i couldnt protect my friends. im useless" you say again, and hes very surprised when he feels your hands on his legs, grabbing his calves.

"dont say that. you are my most prized warrior, nobel and graceful. i have chosen you myself for the royal guard, and i trust you with my life" he says again, his hand now in your hair.

you cry harder now, and you grip harder onto his legs, and look down again, your forehead on his thigh as you started to sob.

"i will never forgive myself if anything happens to you, my king" you cry out.

the king sighs, petting your hair and looking down at you, on your knees, in a slip gown, hugging his legs and crying.

"i see no reason for you to worry about it. nothing will happen to me" he comments again, feeling his chest grow hotter.

theres silence as he looks down at your head, gently petting at your hair and listening to your cries.

"his death is not on you dear. you are the most skilled warrior in the kingdon, and in all honesty, i wouldnt be able to live the same if anything were to happen to you" he says lowly, gently.

"please, forgiveness... dont be angry with me" you cry out, your hands clutching onto his robes as you cried.

his heart scrunchs in his chest at your words, and he sighs.

his eyes begin to feel wet, and he lowers his head, closing his eyes, as you clutch to his robes and cry.

"stand up {Y/N}" he says. you follow his orders quickly, standing before him with your still red eyes.

his face is soft with concern, and his hand comes to the side of your face, brushing your hair behind your ear and his fingers caressing your cheek gently.

"you have no reason to worry about. i will not pull you out of the guard dear, that would be foolish, to pull out my best warrior. the only reason i would have to pull you out, is from concern for you" his voice is very low, talking so intimatly only for you.

"i worry a lot when i hear you have been hurt. show me your hand"

you raise your right bandaged hand to him, and he takes it, the bandage clean and fresh on your injury.

"does it hurt dear?" he asks, thumb brushing on top of your bandage. you shake your head no, before giving a half confused face and a half nod.

he chuckles.

you watch with much surprise as he raises your hand and kisses your knuckles.

"i hope you get better soon" he mutters.

you are still looking down, sniffling.

"your work is much appreciated dear. i promise. and Calens death is none of your fault. i promise" he reassures again.

you nod, and look up at him breafly.

"thank you, my king. you are too kind" you whimper out, brushing your tear away with your other hand.

"i only care for you" he says gently, cupping your face again.

he gives you a gentle half smile, and you return a sad one to him.

"i have never seen you in such informal clothing, dear" he comments lowly, making your face grow redder.

"after all, i usualy meet you in your armor, or in formal dress robes" he chuckles. "im sorry for being inappropriate my king-"

he brushs it off and shakes his head. "not to worry {Y/N}. i enjoy seeing you in whatever you wear. your night gown in quite... nice" he comments on the little slip silk gown on your body.

"i-thank you my king. i love the way you look in all your robes"

was it appropriate? no. did you know? also no. you were too dazed and in the stars from him being so close, still touching your face.

"thank you dear" he comments, smirking.

"thank you for being so forgiving and kind to me, my king"

"say thranduil {Y/N}, i want to hear you say my name" he suddenly says.

with a quick gasp, you cough out and muster out a "thank you... thranduil"

he smiles and you see his lips stretch, smiling so close to your face. he is so close.

"i care for you {Y/N}, i do a lot" he whispers.

you dont know how to reply, but look up at his eyes with your own wide eyes.

"say the word, and ill pull away" he says lowly.

you shake your head and your breath becomes quicker, and you pull closer to him.

so finally, he puts his other hand around your waist and pulls you closer, and finally, his lips land on yours gently, moving in a gently kiss.

your hands come onto his chest as you kiss him back, eyes closing and finally relaxing.

his lips are as soft as they look, and he tastes so clean yet mascouline.

he tangles his fingers in your hair as he kisses you repeatedly, pulling away for a moment to look at you in the moon light, pink cheeks and wide eyes, your lips reddening from the kiss.

and he kisses you again.


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yours, the red demon♧

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