Part 55 - Heartbeat

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Aliya was about to step back from the kiss when her right hand gets gripped then pulled so quickly she almost lost her balance. The club is dark and she stumbles a few times as she tries to keep up with the pace of the person in front of her,  she couldn't see him clearly, Taehyung? She squints her eyes to see a clearer view. She thinks it is Tae, he briefly stops near the exit and speaks.

"We need to talk." He tells her before walking again in a slower pace, until they were outside the club, and away from the loud music.

Aliya could only follow in a trance at the familiar sound of his voice. It's not Taehyung, she didn't have to see who it is to know who's talking. Underneath the lamp posts she sees him clearly. Dressed in a loose black long sleeved shirt and a pair of torn black pants, he still holds her hand. He looks at her, and she almost melts in his intense gaze. His expression is unreadable, until he pulls her towards him and envelopes her into a tight embrace.

Aliya struggles in his hold but the more she did, the tighter his hug became. 

"Yoongi stop." She tells him but he didn't budge, as he continues to hold her. "Let me go." She tells him again.

"I can't." He finally answers. "I've let you go before and I almost lost you. I don't want to lose you again so I'm not letting go."

The words he said made her go limp, she couldn't believe her ears.  His words seem so unreal to her, this is something she'd hear him say in her fantasy after learning about Sara. 

"Wait, what about Sara? I can't have you do this when you're in a relationship with her." 

"After the last time I was here, my mind got totally fucked up because I couldn't stop myself from thinking about you. She uh, noticed and she made the move to end it between us. I've been wanting to come here and ask you back, but I couldn't, until I find out about Jin. Shit, I can't have him get you without me trying, even if I'd look like a total ass if you reject me." Yoongi continues to hold her until he takes a deep shaky breath and says. "Please don't pick Jin, choose me instead." 

The man who seems he doesn't give a damn about anything just revealed his real feelings. She managed to push herself back, away from his hold. She looks up his face again and didn't expect the tears that were brimming in his eyes. Her voice starts to shake as she speaks as she looks at him.

"I'm sorry Yoongi," His eyes widens at her words and the tears drops from his eyes. 

"No please don't." She tells him, reaching up to wipe his tears. "You shouldn't be crying over me."

"I once said crying is for losers. Hell, I don't care anymore, I'd rather be a loser than not have you."

Aliya's own tears starts falling down her face as she sees the man before her break into real emotions because of her. He who used to seem cold as ice with his constant blank expression, is now melting right before her.  This man who can have any woman down on her knees with just a look, is asking her to choose him over Jin. She doesn't even have any relationship with the other guy in the first place, though he did kiss her earlier.

"I can't believe you're saying this Yoongi."

He cups her face the way Jin did earlier. "I can't believe I am saying it either, but I want to because it's what my heart is screaming." He takes both of her hands and places them against his chest where his heart is.  "I am taking back all the things I told you before , I'll call and text you as often as you want me to, even if I have no idea what to say. I'll sweet talk with you, hold your hand, take you on a date wherever you want to go.  I'm willing to do all this prince charming shit, slay the dragon and rescue you from the tower, before sweeping you off your feet..."

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