21- Mothers Knows Best

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Aliya decided to spend the weekend with her mother. She had spent the night before watching My Bestfriends Wedding on Netlix, after turning down Yuna's offer to go clubbing with them again. The movie hit a tender spot in her heart that she started crying from the wedding scene until the end. She's seen the movie a number of times before but last night had been the only time it made such an impact on her. Her friends were busy with work again so she didn't want to bother them. Yoongi didn't contact her since that day when he had breakfast with Jimin at her place. That day turned out better than she thought it would since both men behaved just like they normally would. She did notice Jimin watching Yoongi more closely specially when he is close to Aliya. Yoongi, never touched her while their friend was around. He did talk to her more which Jimin said was something that he needs to get used to when he  texted her when he left her place.

"I'm glad to see you're eating well." So-Young told her daughter as they ate lunch when she arrived at their place.

"I miss your cooking. It doesn't taste the same when I cook it." Aliya replied stuffing her mouth with the dumplings her mom made.

When they finished cleaning up after their meal, So-Young told her she wanted to tell her something.

"You know your Dad has been gone for quite a while now and I will always love him. You've been pushing me to go out with someone for a long time and I thought I'd give it a try. I am seeing someone regularly and I think I like him." She paused before adding, "You're a smart girl and I  hope you'll understand and accept him for me." 

"Who is he?" Aliya asked. She knew her mother had been loyal to her dad even if he passed away for more than twelve years now. She's guilty that she had to live away from her knowing she is alone at their place even if she is busy at the hospital. Of course she understood and is genuinely happy for her mother. Seeing how her parents loved each other when her dad was alive is enough for her to know her mother loved her dad with all her heart. Wasn't she thinking about this the other day, she thought.

"Dr. Ahn." Her mother replied.

Aliya knew who he is. He was constantly around whenever she'd come home on certain weekends for the past weeks and she never thought much about it thinking he is just another friend of hers. He is a nice man, never married although he was in his mid-50s. He's a surgeon in the same hospital as her mom.  He was also the same doctor her mom was recommending to her who'd remove her tonsils. She trusts her mom's judgement for whatever decision she makes.

"The most important part is that he treats you well and he is a nice person. I am happy for you mom." Aliya said as she hugged her mother.

"I am constantly praying that you'd be happy too dear. I wanted to tell you two weeks ago but I held it back because you were so down about Taehyung's wedding." She cupped the side of her daughter's face, a habit Aliya got as well. "One day, you'll find the right one for you and all the tears you've shed are nothing but a sad memory."

Aliya opened up to her mother about what happened with Taehyung that day at the hotel, although she eliminated the part that she kissed him. She is close to her mom and she tells her everything but it's too awkward to tell her that. "I just, don't know how to face Taehyung when he comes back." She told her mom because the newly weds were going to arrive that night, and that was also a factor why she decided to go home.

"Just face him the way you normally would. You're determined to move on and will not just get stuck with your feelings for him. You've known each other your entire life, the bond you have is strong and it will not just get wrecked easily."

Aliya was grateful for coming home. Listening to her mother's advice always have helped her. There would be times when they'd drive each other crazy but there were more good days than bad.

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