Part 41 - Give It To Me

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Yoongi's POV

Weddings does not appeal to him at all. It's a waste of time, effort and money specially when the couple ends up getting divorced, their fairy tale wedding ends up as a nightmare drama feasted upon by the very people who have hugged and kissed the then newly weds, wishing them good fortune. 

He avoids weddings except for the ones he can't say no to like this one, Taehyung, one of his closest friends surprised everyone with his announcement. It had been quite unexpected since he is a player like him too. Jia is nice although he always thought it'll be Aliya he ends up seriously dating. 

When he first met her, he couldn't believe there's nothing going on between them. But Taehyung made it clear that she's his bestfriend, almost like his sister and he personally warns him to stay away from her. There's no need for that because he has no intentions of even trying. Too many fishes in the water, he told himself. Aliya's at ease with their company, she's just like one of the boys, only she isn't one. It's hard to deny that he doesn't get distracted whenever she dolls herself up for a party or a night out. Worst is whenever they go to the lake house during summer and she wears her summer clothes and her swimming outfit. She's also got a very cheerful personality, she always has a smile ready for anyone and that is one of her best assets. However, she's too sweet for him so he kept his distance.

Tonight, it's too hard to keep his distance from her, she's sitting right across from where he is. She's dolled up again and there's something about her tonight that is different. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes, it's as if she is just trying to look happy. It's really none of his business but he wondered if it's that ex of hers that's upsetting her. Their relationship seemed to be solid, pretty boy is just too head over heels in love with her which is why their break up came up as a surprise. 

She looks up and catches him staring at her, oops, he thought to himself busted, he can't help finding himself amused over that. Everyone seems to be guarding her too much tonight, he observed. He gets it, she looks smoking hot in her dress but he honestly finds it way over board. Then he sees her get into one of her accidents, she's about to fall face first on the ground and his two friends were out of the arms range while he is. He did the first thing that came into his mind, catch her. Having her body against his, getting a feel of her softness and having a whiff of her scent awakened something in him. But  she is off limits so he'll not even try to go there. 

 Aliya is drinking too much, he noticed and that confirms in his head that she is upset about something. Her face is flushed, making her extra appealing,  but she appears to still be sober as she danced with their friends. He ignored the female guests who were throwing him a suggestive look so he'd dance with them. They're still acquaintances of the newly weds and as much as possible, he doesn't like running into the women he hooks up with to avoid complications. Except maybe for Mari, she is his coworker but the thing with her is that she is cool with everything. She's never clingy and hooking up is her thing so she knows how things goes.

He decides to step in when Aliya starts to take another drink from the waiter, he swoops it from her and drains it down. She didn't look pleased with what he did but he got surprised when she pulls him towards the dance floor. She had a mischievous smile on her face as she did. He didn't feel like dancing specially when his parents is in the room together with the other parents too. His mother will just love seeing him with Aliya. She's been trying to make him go on a serious date which he just hates doing. 

 Aliya seems to be enjoying herself and his body gets that familiar stirrings as she smiles up at him. She moves close to him so she can hear what he was saying and he caught her sweet scent again sending his desire to taste her go stronger. He's denied it before but, he knows he can't hold it any longer. Screw the consequences of his friends anger on him. He will not force himself to her though, he's never been like that. He'll tease and wait and if she bites, then she's his for the night.  It always worked with the other women, he didn't expect Aliya to willingly agree. Perhaps she is drunk, he didn't really care.

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