Part 54 - Epiphany

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The days that followed after Aliya's conversation with Jin, she became more conscious over every word he speaks and action he makes. He calls and texts her every day, making sure she's had her meal. Her friends, specially Taehyung, didn't say anything about it. Her relationship with him is way different from her relationship with Yoongi before. Jin keeps his distance, he'd constantly hug or kiss her before he leaves but it's nothing out of the ordinary. She appreciates his sweetness to her but she didn't want to to give too much meaning to it. Not everything has an extra ordinary meaning, she learned that from her experience with Yoongi. 

Yoongi seems to have decided to go silent in their gc. He's not opening his messages either. He is still in the group but just remained inactive. He must be busy in his project, Aliya tells herself although there's a tiny bit of doubt over that.


Two weeks had passed,  Aliya agrees to go with Yuna and her group to their usual clubbing. Jin texted her that morning to let her know he is busy the whole day. He did ask what her plans for the night was so she told him where she's going.

She is ready to meet other men. She definitely didn't want any hook ups anymore although picking a sexy white dress to go out that night speaks otherwise. It's different from what she'd typically wear. The dress clings to her body showing off her curves while the neckline is low enough to show some cleavage. She curls her hair into a big wavy style that seductively falls over her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she sees a different Aliya. She's been from one heart ache to another and managed to get herself back on her feet. She's experienced sex in a different way and it got her eyes open about herself and men. 

She believes she can improve herself more and she wants to achieve more. She already started her masters in Seoul because her mother asked her not to leave the country anymore. Her boldness and confidence had gone to a different level, and it's not just limited to sex.  

She walks towards the elevator in her four inch heels and when it opens, she finds Jimin looking hot as ever in his black outfit. His eyes widen then looks at her from top to bottom then up again. 

"I almost didn't recognize you. Where are you going looking like that?" He asks.

"I'm meeting up with Yuna and the girls." She replies. "I'm not going to ask where you're going because I can already tell."

"Why would you be going to the club looking like that?" He asks her.

"Why shouldn't I?" She asks back raising an eyebrow at him.

Jimin doesn't reply but pulls out his phone and calls Jungkook. "Let's change venues, let's go to our other usual spot instead. You'll know why when we meet up."

Aliya scowls at him. "No, no, no. You're not chaperoning me the whole night."

He chuckles. "Don't flatter yourself too much Aliya."

She hits his arm. "Why did you call Jungkook to go to a different club then?"

"We're moving to a different spot away from where you're going." Jimin tells her laughing hard when he sees her reaction. He holds his hands up when she starts hitting him. "Just kidding. Won't you need someone to help you walk, by the end of the night with those shoes of yours?" 

"I can always walk on my bare feet. Anyway, are you driving or taking a cab?" She asks him. 

"Cab, I'm drinking tonight." Jimin tells her. 

"Let's share then. I'm meeting the girls for dinner first." She tells him the name of the restaurant. 

"Sure, do you mind if JK and I crash along with you?"

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