Part 37 - Her

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Yoongi drives Aliya back so she can pick up her car. She has to admit that she is so relaxed that she is close to dozing off. He offers to drive her home and pick her up in the morning, but she politely declines since he's done so much for her already. 

Yoongi walks her towards her car and when she is about to get in, she gives in to the drive to reach up for him and give his mouth a quick peck. "Thanks for tonight." She tells him with a grateful smile. He is nothing but sweet to her tonight and she finds herself liking this side of him.

He looks stunned for a moment and she could've sworn that his ears turned bright red. She starts her car and opens her window to wave at him. "Good night Yoongi and drive safely." He nods his head in response before getting on his own car.

Over and over, she had been thinking about the kiss she gave him. There's nothing wrong with it specially when they have done so much things together that's way beyond kissing. What's a little kiss right? If this is the case, why is she feeling so flustered about it that it's driving her crazy? She let out a quiet squeal of frustration.

"What is wrong with you? You scared the hell out of me." Aliya forgot she's walking with Taehyung at the parking lot to get lunch.

Aliya's face burned guiltily. "Nothing. I just had a flashback of something embarrassing."

"Do you want to share it?" He asks her.

"No." She replies back.

"I thought you don't keep secrets from me." He tells her before hooking his arm around her neck. "Come on spill it."

"Stop it Taehyung I'm not telling you because it's nothing." She lightly hits his arm that's holding her. They stopped in front of his car but he is not letting the issue go.

He looks down and stares into her eyes. "You're lying. I can always tell when you're not telling the truth."

"Do you seriously want a blow by blow detail of my sex life?" She tells him with a wicked grin. Honestly, she just wants him to stop staring. She's  trying not to resurface the feelings she has for him.

Taehyung immediately released her and clears his throat before speaking. "Is that what's bothering you?"   

Aliya shrugs. "Kind of but no." They both got into the car which he starts but did not drive yet.

"What does that even mean? Is Yoongi making you do something you don't like?" He asks.

"Of course not. I like what he does and what I do, I do it because I like it." She peeks at her best friend's face. She's testing his reaction if she speaks something so blunt. His face shows a number of emotions before settling to disbelief.

"I can't believe you're telling me this." 

"You asked for it, you're my best friend remember? I tell you everything." She grins up at him throwing his words back at him. "By the way, Yoongi invited me to their company's kick off party on Friday." 

"He what? He's taking you as his date?" 

"I guess we can put it that way though we both know he doesn't date. He asked because of my social skills and my ability to entertain myself even if he is off somewhere and not be whining about it." 

Taehyung chuckles. "True. You have great social skills and you're smart."

Aliya gave an exaggerated sigh. "And here I am thinking it's because of my beauty that I got invited." She's joking of course.

Her bestfriend started laughing. "Fishing for a compliment huh? That is already given Iya, any guy who doesn't notice how beautiful you are is dumb."

"Ha!" Aliya exclaims before laughing too. "Then I guess you're dumb."

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