6-No Backing Out

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Aliya commanded the kiss as she opens her mouth so that her tongue can enter his. He didn't show any signs of surprise as he answers her kiss with his own tongue rubbing against hers. His hands slides down to cup her buttocks bringing her body against his making her feel how he is getting turned on with their kiss. She acknowledges his move with a soft moan.

Yoongi pulls back from the kiss and looks down at her. "Where did the prim and proper Aliya go? I never thought you had this wild side in you." He whispers as his lips turns into an amused smile.

"You obviously don't know a thing about me Mr. Min Yoongi." Aliya replies, her hands having a mind of their own as they went up to touch the corners of his lips that is smiling broadly at first but he tries to hold it back by biting onto his lower lip.

"This is your last chance to back out if you want to Aliya, don't tell me later on that I didn't ask you." He breathes heavily as he speaks.

"I am not backing out, I already told you that." She replies as she starts to walk towards the bed, crawling over it until she is at the center where she sits back and gives him an inviting smile. "So what are you standing there for?" 

He cursed before moving towards her at the bed pausing for a moment. "One more thing, please don't call out Taehyung's name while I'm fucking you because I will be so pissed."

Aliya smiled despite her shock over his vulgar words. "Deal, as long as this is the last time, you're mentioning his name tonight."

Yoongi kisses her pressing her down on the bed. His hand went straight to one of her breast cupping it while his tongue plays with hers. She made out with her exes before, but she was always reserved because she didn't want to lead them on and get them frustrated by not having sex with them. Even with Jihyun, she always had to hold back because there's this guilt over the fact that he didn't know she loves someone else.  This is the first time she is not letting anything restrain her. He can do whatever he wants and she'll do the same. She is too curious why her friends are calling him dangerous.

He starts to unzip her dress and she turns her back to him. As soon as her dress is off, his lips grazed from her neck to her shoulders making her shiver. She hears him chuckle when goosebumps appeared on her skin. He ran a finger from her nape down just above her panties' waistband. He then traces the crevice in her buttocks going down to her wet center. She knew he could feel how wet she is through the material of her underwear. He rubbed her  through the fabric and she moans in response as the sensation started to build inside her making her wetter. When he stopped, she turns and finds him taking his shirt and pants off leaving him in just his underwear. He went back to kissing her neck then nibbled at her ear before turning her head so he could kiss her lips. He flipped her to her back so she'd be facing him.

His eyes feasted on her body as she laid on the bed with just her bra and panties before his gaze moved up to her face, her cheeks were flushed and lips slightly swollen from his kisses. A wicked smile slowly appeared on his lips. "I want to try something." He says as he stands up and heads towards the table grabbing the wine to take a quick drink from the bottle. "The wine tastes great and so do you my sweet. I wonder what it would be like to have both you and the wine together." He says as he walks back to the bed.

Aliya didn't know what exactly he wanted to do but the anticipation made her more aroused. She pulls herself up on her elbow as she watched what he is about to do. He offers her the bottle and she takes a sip. She barely swallowed the liquid when he lowers his head and his tongue traces her lips before entering her mouth so he could rub his tongue against hers. He gives a soft grunt before pulling back. "Perfect." He says as he lowers the straps of her bra unhooking it with a flip of his fingers. His eyes admires her exposed breasts  before he speaks again "Get ready."  He then pours some wine over her neck. She gasps at the feel of the cold liquid against her hot skin. His eyes meets hers before he licks the spot where he poured the wine following it's trail downwards.

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