1: The First Day

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Waking up was my least favorite part of the day. I hated it. I cherished the times I was able to sleep at home. Being a paramedic is my dream, but boy can it be exhausting with the 24 and 48 hour shifts. I was lucky today though.

I woke up in a new room. I just moved to LA no more than 3 weeks ago. And surprisingly finding an EMT job was difficult, but somehow I managed to find one. I got out of bed and lazily got in the shower, completely forgetting that I just dyed my, once naturally ginger, hair red "shit" I thought to myself seeing the red pour from my head. I quickly jumped out of the shower, drying off as fast as humanly possible and throwing on my clothes. I hate the feeling of being wet and damp after getting out of the shower. I wanted to look presentable, it was my first day at a brand new station here in California. To say I was nervous was a complete understatement.


I walked into the new station immediately catching a glimpse of a woman in uniform.

"You must be Alissa? I'm Hen" she said flashing a smile. "Yes that would be me" I nodded.
"I am supposed to report to Captain Robert Nash? Where can I catch him?" I asked her, feeling a little less uneasy due to her nature.

"Right up those stairs, welcome to the team" Hen replied as I began to walk up the stairs she had mentioned.

"Good morning Ms. Brixton, I'm Captain Nash, or as the others call me just Cap. It's nice to finally meet you" Captain Nash says extending his hand out. I shake his hand "please just call me Alissa sir" I shot him a quick smile.

"I've been told about your good work as a paramedic, I trust you so you're on with us today forward Alissa, welcome to our team" Cap says confidently, "you can find your locker and everything downstairs, if you need help don't hesitate to ask Hen" "thank you sir, I will not let you down" I nod at him and head downstairs.

That's when I see him. "Hey who is she?" the blonde headed, blue eye boy says towards my direction.

"She would be Alissa, Alissa Brixton" I say as I look in his direction. "Welcome to the 118 newbie" he laughs walking over to me.

He is attractive to say the least, I was a little shocked to see him honestly. I've worked in two other stations, but never had such eye candy in either.

"Very funny, but who is he?" I say gesturing towards him. "The name is Buck, Evan Buckley, get comfortable with it" he says as he passes by me laying his hand on the small of my back. So he is definitely seeing me the way I am seeing him.

"I'm Eddie, short for-" I cut him off "Edmundo" I say as he looks shocked. "Only people named Edmundo say what Eddie is short for" he nods fairly. He was cute, very attractive. I loved a good latino man. He really caught my eye and I have a feeling I'd caught his.

"I'm Chim or Chimney, the other paramedic alongside Hen" I nod. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Alissa"

"Alissa can we maybe grab a drink tonight?" Buck speaks up. Well that was fast, I've barely met the boy and he already wants to go out with me. "It's not a date, I have a girlfriend named Taylor" he says in response to my thoughts that I realized were said out loud.

Well shit. I mean I don't know what I expected honestly. Right, I expected to hook up with him a few times, find out he's been fucking several other girls and just move on.

"So yes or no" Buck says shaking me out of my thoughts "yeah, but not for long I have to get home to my baby" I say smiling as I think about the 8-year-old I have at home. "You have a kid?" Hen asks seemingly confused. "I do, she's 8, her name is Brielle" I nod thinking about how she is my reason.

"Wait aren't you only 22?" Buck, the 26-year-old asks. "Yeah had her when I was 14, it's been difficult, but I wouldn't change my life for anything right now" Buck nodded "that's cool Alissa, maybe one day I could meet her" Buck smiled my way.


After my first shift, which barely contained of any action, Buck and I agreed on a place and went.

"How many?" the hostess said as we walked in. "Just the ba-" "two" Buck cut me off. The host walked us over to a table and gave us menus then left.

"So Alissa I'm very curious about you, care to share anything?" he says almost as if he's interrogating me. "I'm a very boring person Buck, all I do is work and take care of Brie" "I really feel like that's not true, but let's start with what brings you to Cali" he smiles at me.

"I needed a new start, life in Nevada became too much for me" I nodded thinking about everything I ran away from. I started to tear up "hey I'm sorry it's okay" he said looking at me. "No don't worry Buck, it's just hard to think about"

In that moment I felt like I could trust the kid, even though I had just met him. I just wanted to spill everything about how my daughter's father tried to ruin me and take Brielle away from me. How my brother died less than 2 hours after finishing funeral arrangements for his son. And every other horrible thing that had happened to me in Nevada.

"So you Buck tell me more about you" I shook the thoughts away. "Well like I said I have a beautiful girlfriend named Taylor, she's a red head like you" we both laughed a little "I think things between us are getting even more serious" he continued, though he didn't seem as happy bringing up the seriousness of the relationship.

"I suppose she wants that more than you?" I questioned and seen him nod pretty quickly in response. "That's fair Buckley, but you should tell her that you don't want that" I gave him advice, thinking back on my previous ex, he lead me on real far, almost had me trying for kids.

"I will eventually, she is just so into everything and doesn't like to listen to me or my opinions" my heart broke for him a little. He seemed like a vulnerable person honestly.

"I get it, seems toxic Buck you should get out before it's too late" he nodded at my response "back to you though Alissa can I see a picture of Brielle?" he asked seeming way too interested. I agreed though, pulling up a photo of her and showing him. "She looks just like you except her eyes" he said "I love kids I can't wait to meet her" he smiled at me.

Brie was my twin, the ginger hair, down to her freckles. She was just missing my green eyes, hers were blue. We did everything together too. Brielle is my first true love and I will do anything to make sure she is okay all of the time.

I didn't realize the smile that grew on my face, "you seem like an amazing mother" "thank you Buck it really means a lot"

After what felt like hours Brielle's babysitter texted letting me know I was running over my time limit, I said my bye's to Buck and we headed our separate ways

He left me wanting to talk more, he was interesting and claimed the same about me. It was almost as if we'd known each other for years on years.

I think I can grow close to him.


(A/N): Thank you to everyone who is giving my book a chance!! I love to write and think up scenarios and figured I'd incorporate one of my favorite shows!!

So just to set it out as a guide for you guys, I will update 3 parts at a time, meaning anytime I update this book, 3 new "chapters" or parts will come out as one update.

My mind works so fast and I come up with so many ideas so frequently that I believe that 3 part updates will be the best way to work.

(hi, future me here. This is a lie. I update when i feel like it)

Also, I will always try to make semi-long parts and will probably never write parts only consisting of 3-4 paragraphs lmaoo.

Okay that's enough from me, have a good night/morning/day/evening!!

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now