The vile

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Hey I am y/n stark. You are probably thinking " omg are you tony starks daughter" nope I am his sister which seems to be a  surprise to most. When I was 13 I was kidnapped and shipped off to the red room.  the red room is an academy of killing as some may say and their is in fact a lot of killing.
that's enough of me now let's talk about my parents. They tried so hard to get me out of the red room but for them it was impossible because they changed my name and identity entirely. My natural hair color is brown but the red room thought I would look "great" with blond hair so that's what I have now, but at least they still let me keep my brown eyes I really like them. 
Now I find my self in a dark ally holding a gun up to someone's head. "What the hell do you want from me" they snap. "Don't act like you don't know. I am not that much of an idiot" I reply as I hear a loud noise from behind me. I turn around to see the avengers standing there with their guns drawn. " oh great looks like we got company" I mutter. " put the gun down kid" Steve says. "Now why would I do that. You can't tell me what to do" I snap at him as I felt the slight nervousness bubble up inside me. "Oh I think we can tell you what to do it's you  against us and I hate to brake it to you but we are a lot stronger then you. So I suggest you put the gun down now" tony claims.
I slowly put my gun down to the ground but at the same time I pull my knife from my boot and charge at them " oh tony I think you are underestimating my abilities" I grunt out. I go for the archer first because I know that I can easily dart passed his arrows. He throws a punch that hits me smack dab in the nose. "Shit that hurt" I mumble as I feel the cold maroon blood drips from my nose to my chin.
I am the one to throw the next punch and this one hits him in the mouth At the same time I kick him where the sun don't shine. He falls to the ground and I turn around to look at every one else.
"Hm looks like you can fight" tony says walking over the Clint on the floor who gets up with ease. "You know  I really hate you guys" I say with a bitter tone. " well you are going to hate us a lot more after this" the red head who I did not realize was beside me chuckles as she    injects me with something. "God damnit" I curse as my vision starts to blur and things go black.
Next thing I know I am waking up in a cold cell. I look up to see that same red head standing outside the glass looking at me. "Will you stop starting it's creeping me out" I spit at her. "Look who decides to finally talk" she chuckles. " why am I here, I have things to do and people to see" I say trying to get straight to the point. "I will be the one asking the questions y/n" she calmly tells me. " how to you know my name" I ask  curiously " oh I have read over you file multiple times when you were sleeping and you have quite the life" I sign knowing that The file she read is most likely the one that the red room made. "Ha jokes on you all of that shit is fake" I mumble not thinking she could hear me. " oh we know that y/n but why is the question, why do you have a fake file and why is it so easy to find  out everything about you." She asks. I stare at her with a poker face but inside I am slightly panicking.
I go to respond but I am cut off by the sound of the door opening and the red head coming towards me with something in her hand. " wow you are getting so close to me yet I don't even know your name" I say as she is still walking towards me but now has revealed what is in her hand. It's a vile
I start to panic because secretly my biggest fear are Needles. I am now squirming in my seat trying to get away from her as she opens it and red powder flys on to my face. "There that should do it." She says with a slightly sweet hint to her voice. The red powder is now starting to go away but I feel different. I am still trying to shake and move my face but it is no use I still feel different. " what the hell did you do to me" I spit as she starts to un-tie my arms my Chair. "I did it  because now you are free." She calmly tells me. At once it all hits me. Tony. The red room . My family. I sit there in shock as it all unfolds in front of me. " Natasha" the red head says. "What" I ask confused. " you said you didn't know my name so I told you. My name is Natasha romanoff " she says. At that moment I decide to take a good look at her and try to get a read on what she is like but she can't seem to stand still. "Agents romanoff why can't you stand still. Are you nervous" I ask trying to get a rise out of her even though I am still out of breath and super confused on what just happened. " nope I am just trying to figure out if I can trust you or not." She replies. "and what would make you think that I am any different then I was ten minutes ago" I ask confused. "Because that powder that was on your face freed you from the red rooms mind control" she says looking kinda relieved. For some reason not until now did I realize how messed up the red room was to me. All the torture and killing they put me through it all hits me like a train. " oh thank you then" I say standing up and stretching my legs out. "Wow slow your role tiger you are not going anywhere yet. We still have to find you a room" she says with Authority. I roll my eyes at the comment. "Don't get pissed at me I just saved your life a second ago" she snaps. " can you relax first of all i was not planning of leaving and second of all just know I still hate you no matter what  you did. Remember you were the one who just fucking kidnapped me." I snap back following her annoyed tone of voice. " you are still a criminal so don't expect me to just open up to you and let you go. Do you even know how many people you have killed because I do and it's a lot." She says with just pure anger in her voice and man did that sting. My face drops and I swing my head down to avoid eye contact from her. "Oh I am sorry I should not have said that" she sighs knowing that she messed up. "I don't care now can you just leave or can they send in someone else because I am low-key getting sick of you." I spit at her in annoyance. She walks out of the room and I am left with my thoughts and I didn't think it would be but it is much worse then her being here.

Heyyy This is my first chapter and it prob sucks but I am super excited to be posting on here. Also btw this book will have lots of cursing and possibly smut scenes or smut references so be aware while you read. I love y'all and I want to give a special thanks to may for finally convincing me to write this ❤️❤️.

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