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I couldn't reach her, the restraints digging into my skin as I yelled both through our link and with all the voice I had.

I just wanted her to look at me, I needed her to look at me. I needed to get to her. She was so close. I just needed to reach a few more inches.

But she was still, so still.

"Red! Look at me baby. Come on look at me!"

Anger flared in me. My wolf and I in rage as we looked at the vampire who stood wiping at her mouth.

"Well that was easier than I thought. Quick to but there was something I wasn't expecting"

I pulled on my chains harder as she turned, little remnants of Reds blood on the corner of her mouth and i welcomed the pain as I worked through the shift. Forcing it foward with no objections from my wolf. Wanting nothing more than to hold that women's bloody heart in my hand.

"Hit a nerve didn't I? You loved her to didn't you? Well news flash the mate and love thing is a lie. Mine left me the moment I came back like this, and he took the child that killed me and raised it. You'll get over it Alexander clearly did"

The pain was excruciating as my bones moved and dislocated. I welcomed it if it meant tearing that bitch apart.

Snapping as she got closer and kneeled beside an unconscious Sarah. Her hear beat was faint along with something else that I couldn't focus on. Not when Serena reached out and place a hand on her.

"Don't touch her! I swear I'll kill you. I'm going to rip your damn heart out you son of bitch!"

She looked up and smiled. As if my threat wasn't even heard.

"It's a beautiful thing, death. But even more beautiful when a mother and child die together"

I was almost there I could feel my wolf gaining control.

"And when a mother dies so early on in her pregnancy it's special. She took my life, and so I took her and her childs"

I stopped. Completely. Then noticing Serenas hand just over Sarah's stomach. And the content look on the women who will be the cause of my mates death.

Looking at Sarah and then to Serena, rage still filled me.

She wasnt...

"Listen, use your ears. Your senses. I didn't hear it either until I tasted her blood. Listen, it's so little"

I couldn't believe what she was saying not even as she looked more crazy now than since she chained me to my floor.

"Don't you hear it. They're so faint"

She leaned her head down, her ear closer to Sarah.

All I herd was her faint heartbeat then the something else....


Serena looked up and smiled. Laughing as she stood.

"Yes! Isn't it ironic how my Genevieve killed me and I was the one to kill them. Oh the beauty of it!"



she was still laughing when two wolves barreled through the door. One throwing a dead vampire at her feet while the other limped beside the other.

Mitch and Andrew stood at the entrance while another one came from the kitchen. Alexander.

And when he saw his daughter at the foot of her crazy smiling mother he jumped forward, right are the crazy bitch.

The two of them fell and Serena fell holding Alexander's attempts in biting her head off but my attention wasn't on them long as it went back to the two faint heart beats and that alone brought my voice back.

"Red! Get up! Come on get up damnit!"

Tugging harder I was sure my wrist broke at the force I jerked with but I didn't care. I couldn't lose them. Neither of them.

Now shifted back Mitch had unchained me while Andrew held his hands over Sarah's neck. It was healing but due to the amount of blood she lost it was healing slowly.

"Come on baby"

Moving Andrew away from them ordering them all to restrain and hold Serena. I'll deal with her once I was sure I wasn't going to lose my Red and unborn child.

Tearing the hem of her shirt just enough for a bandage to stop what bleeding she still had and began to get her heart going faster by chest compressions in hopes to get the blood flowing more and her healing kick started.

"Come on Sarah. Come on"

"Patrick, she needs a doctor. She lost to much blood and-"

"Then get me one damnit!"

Then there was laughter. Being restrained by Mitch and Alexander Serena stood looking down at my Red and was cackling.

"Get me a doctor right now, before I lose them both"

After ordering Andrew I got up and took Serenas kneck in my hand silencing her. It did nothing to wipe the smile from her face.

"I left just enough for you to listen to her heart as it stopped. Which should be any minute now, imagine if I had turned her. Would you have killed her?"


In that moment I heard her heart beat go silent and that was when I lost control and finally had Serena in shreds. Her heart in my hands and her head across the room.

And there it was. The pain in my chest and the pain was excruciating as I fell to my knees at the feel of our bond breaking.

And I cried, cried as Alexander frantically began CPR or anything to get her heart going again as I sat feeling the pain of her leaving me, both of them leaving me.

"No baby no.no.no"

All I heard was the small faint heartbeat getting slower.

Then there it was. Like a drum in my ears loud and perfect. For a moment it was only one. Then another followed stronger and then another and another.

"Red?" Going to her I heard them both. The baby's heartbeat was still faint but Sarah was there and it was clear.

With no response I picked her up, careful to no jostle her, not taking any chances and took her for help.

"Hang in there baby, hang in there"

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