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"Where is she!"

Another blow to my cheek and I still refused to say anything. For the past hour Serena Sinclair has had me chained to my livingroom floor while attempting to beat the answers out of me.

The question always the same.

Where Sarah was.

And I refused to say anything. I was an Alpha and Sarah was everything. So for the past hour I been giving the silent treatment and it has been driving the beady eyed vampire queen madder than she already was.

"Where is Genevieve you mangy mutt!"

Again silence, by now Alexander and Andrew would be getting them out of here and I could only hope they got out in one piece. If they could find my Red.

"You know, I admire you Alpha. Patrick wasn't it?"

Red, where are you?

I wanted her safe. I needed to know she was.

"You see I been going from pack to pack looking for my daughter and your was the hardest one I could destroy in attempts to find her, I been watching you closely. So imagine my surprise when I seen Alexander was here, not just him but that bloody mother of his. And there was only one reason why they would be. My baby. And when I seen her at your side, I knew it immediately and I am going to make those pay for ever taking her from me and her, for killing me"

"You're not going to touch her"

"And he speaks!"

Her laugh came in the form of a cackle. A very disturb cackle as she bends to eye level.

"I knew you sensed her before I showed up and brought your handsome self here, just tell me where she is and I will make this as quick as possible. We'll, after I have some fun, your to pretty and a woman has needs"

"Get away from him"

Both Serena and myself looked to the from door, covered in blood. And my heart stopped.

"No, Sarah-"

"Ah there she is. I knew you had to come eventually. Sarah now is it?"

Tugging at my chains I stood to my feet trying to get them loose and as Serena stepped forward I even tried to shift. But that was no use. It only caused excruciating pain.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I gave you something to delay your shifting. You'll be human for a awhile. A full twenty four hours to be exactly. So you wolf is locked in. Fun right?"

A frustrating yell escaped me as I tried again. Nothing.


I wasn't going to lie. This was dumb, so dumb but it was Patrick I was worried about and I wasn't going to sit by while he did all the work. Even more so when he was alone with my shell of a mother. Even after dealing with all those Red eyed vampires.

The stench of them on me had me wanting to vomit.


I tried not to look at Patrick as he fought his restraints not even as his yells filled the once put together livingroom, my eyes stayed on Serena. Not knowing if I looked away what she would do.

"Well, it's nothing I would have picked but it will do. God your beautiful, a mix of both your father and myself and a Luna. I am so proud of you. But I left you to soon and I am so happy to see your grown and healthy and happy"

And just like that the strong resolve I was holding up began to crumble. I couldn't deny the ache in my chest in hearing those words from her. For so long I had wondered and wanted to hear those words spoken.

"Sarah It's not your mother!"

"Of course I am, I gave birth to you and I wanted to raise you. Teach you things my mother taught me. Help you with your wedding, give you advice with my grandkids. Oh baby I didn't want to leave you"

She was talking like that of a mother would and something I never had. Not even as she got closer and the unshed tears in my eyes threatened to fall.

And I had to repeat it to myself. She wasn't my mother, she wasn't my mother.

"Sarah! Baby look at me Red! She's not your mother. Red baby don't fall for it"

Patrick's frantic and worried cried tried to ground me. My world fought for resolve but as the one thing I missed more than anything spoke, I began to crumble. Like a hypnosis everything faded away.

"Of course I'm your mother. Would I be looking for you all these years if I didn't care? Would I be so angry they took you from me?"

And when she moved a strand of hair behind my ear I didn't move. All the fight I came with evaporated fully as the shell of my mother looked at me with motherly eyes. Going from red to brown then red again.

Her smile was soft and Patrick's voice rang out, only I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"See, don't listen to him. I just want what is best for my sweet daughter. But I'm not sorry for this"

I was about to ask something, the question on the tip of my tongue, i just couldn't make it out. That was when she sank her teeth into the tender part of my throat and a mix between a whimper and a scream left my lungs.

I heard the rush in my ears, much like when you hear the ocean from a sea shell. I felt the pulse in my skin and how I started to become cold.

"No! No!" Finally his words clear.

I couldn't look at him. To ashamed that I crumbled to easily in front of this shell.

As quickly as my scream started it slowly stopped and all I could hear was him. Felt him in my head and slowly my wall crumbled and I heard him.

"Red! Fight her Red. Come on baby"

I couldn't reply, I went numb even when my eyes began to get heavy and that was when I was thrown and landed with a loud thud just out of his reach.

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