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I sat comfortably cuddled up to Patrick while we sat infront of the tv.

Everyone had gone to bed hours ago and once Patrick's Alpha duties were taken care of and in a way to destress over the fact that my death was faked and I'm not really who I thought I was and that I have a living relative. Oh and instead of taking me in I was abandoned at the steps of the children services center but there is two sides to a coin and I had yet to flip it over.

So here we sat as a way of distraction and to spend some quality time together. Consider it a date night of sorts.

I was leaning up again him as he moved his fingers up and down my arm light as a feather. It tickled but It also felt nice.



"Can I see your wolf?"

His hand stopped and he looked down at me. I sat up to look at him better.

" Of course"

"How big is it?"

"Most wolves, werewolves I mean can stand up to six feet high or sometimes less"

"Can I see it now?"

"Ten bucks says she freaks out" a random voice spoke out.

We turned to see Andrew, Mitch and Shane all standing there in the entryway. Andrew had his normal smile, Mitch still looked like he didn't care and Shane was looking between the two of us with a glint in his eye as he reached his hand out and shook Andrews.

"Why are you guys doing here?"

"Well, Mitch just misses us all, Shane is in trouble and well I got bored. So I came to watch your tv" Andrew answered.

"I am not in trouble. I'm just... ok I'm in trouble. I ate the last ice cream. And before you even comment. A pregnant wolf is testy. Especially one who is carrying three pumps so I don't want to hear anything from anybody" Shane pouted before glaring at Andrew. I was assuming the last part was for him.

"I just came to steal some of your mother's cookies from lunch" Mitch shrugged.

I looked at the clock on the wall that read 10:30pm.

Patrick took my hand as we stood. Both Shane and Andrew decided to follow us outside. Mitch helped himself to the cookies. Opting to stay inside.

"No betting on her"

Patrick told them when he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping back a few feet. His absence made me want him closer now.

"Hey, if she's anything like what I heard about when Rebecca found out. I'm betting. Humans always freak out"

Andrew smiled and draped his arm over my shoulder. The contact making me uncomfortable. I had to step away and noticing my mental question, Shane spoke next.

"When I showed her she was human at the time. Freaked out and went all rapunzel on me and instead of hitting me with the frying pan, she threw it at me"

I knew I liked her.

When I looked back at Patrick he had just taken him boxers off and I had to quickly avert my eyes and turn so he didn't notice the red tint in my cheeks.

Both the guys laughed. Which earned a growl from Patrick causing them to silence quickly.

I only turned back around when I had heard the low cracking sound of bones and joints along with Patrick's painful grunts.

It didn't take long for him to come into his wolf. Seconds maybe, but for me it felt like minutes and everything had seemed to go into slow motion. The adjustment and dislocation of his shoulders and the pattern change of his spine along with the deformation of his facial features. It made me queezy.

His wolf though was beautiful, however I didn't get a chance to be in awe for very long before I turned and threw up my dinner all over Andrew's shoes.

I wiped my mouth and tried to catch my breath from the hurling I just did.

"Are yo-"

"I'm ok.... just.."

I turned to look at Patrick who had his ears back and his head low.

He was beautiful. He was solid gray with a white streak going down his chest.

" I'm not afraid. Just... It made me... you... wow"

His ears perked up them as he cautioned closer. Giving me a few seconds of getting used to him between each step. His fur was soft under my hand when I touched him. So soft that ran my hand over him. From his head to his tale.

He really was gorgeous. Both man and wolf. I couldn't look away. He must have liked my response seeing he nuzzled his head into me. Nearly knocking me over.

"I needed this. Thank you"

I wondered what I would look like when I... I didn't want to think about that just yet. I knew I wanted to complete the bond with him. Both him marking me and physically but... I was hesitant and nervous.

I stayed there getting used to his wolf and taking it all in for another hour before I felt the exhaustion take over.

Even as tired as I was I couldn't sleep when I had gotten to the room as it's been for the past weeks but never this bad. Even showering wasn't helping. Even when the clock read 3:00am I tried. I tried to let sleep take me and it wouldn't come and thirty minutes later I was throwing the covers off of me and not worried about thinking about it I made my way to Patrick's room.

He was sleeping soundly. His back bare showing all the outline of the muscle under the skin. A sheet covered him from waste down and I was to tired to even care if he was covered under that sheet or not.

His hair was a mess and a small snore escaped his perfect lips as he breathed in even breaths.


He opened his eyes and rubbed them before sitting up and once he noticed it was me he was up and infront of me. Face laced with concern as he looked behind me for any indication of a problem.

"Everything ok? What's wrong?"

Here I was the one that woke him up and he was worried about me.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but..." I trailed off momentarily distracted by his defined chest I had to drag my eyes away.

"Red, what is it?"

He placed a soft hand along my jaw line and rubbed his thumb over the smooth skin.

" I-I can't sleep... C-can I..."

All the concern left his features and was replaced by a smile and a shake of his head. Not saying anything else as he let his hand fall from my skin and walked behind me to shut the door before leading me to the bed.

He waited until I took the first step in getting into the bed. My anxiety rising and slowly dissipating as I took the steps to the bed. Drew the covers back and got under them.

Patrick stood there a moment watching me before shaking his head and getting in beside me.

The bed dipped and I instantly felt his heat beside me but it was relaxing. Even when I turned to face him.

"Good night Red"

" Patrick?"


"C-can I c-come c-closer?"

"Come here"

He took me in his arms as I laid closer to his chest. My ear against the beating of his heart. He seemed to be nervous as I was. Or it was excitement I wasn't sure. I didn't care.

"Goodnight Patrick"

I mumbled and just as I let sleep take me I felt the soft lingering kiss on my forehead but I didnt hear what he had said when I faded quickly into the sleep that I wanted to come.

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