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The sound of beeping woke me. Along with squeaking wheels of a cart, chatter in the hallway. Then the smells. The smell of strong antiseptic and peroxide.

My eyes slowly opened only to be attacked with bright white walls and floors. The light reflecting off of them from the cracked blinds causing my eyes to shut as they took their time adjusting.

The room was spacious. Complete with a small loveseat and an end table. A chair and a corner countertop with a sink and it's own ensuite bathroom.

My eyes went to the chair. Noticing a faded jean jacket draped over it and a coffee that had gone cold and by the smell it was a couple hours old.

The beeping was coming from the machine I had been hooked up to on the small screen my vital signs showed in bright colors.

How did I get to the hospital?
What happened?

My throat was scratchy and sore. My body ached all over. Everytime I moved it would cause my muscles to scream at me.

As I stood from the bed, unhooking myself and resisting the urge the cover my ears from the sudden pinging from the machine thinking I was dead.

I had just taken my IV out when the door slammed open and a tall man ran in followed by a doctor and two nurses.

When they took a step forward was when I  stepped as far away from them as possible.

"We're not going to hurt you"

I didn't care what they said. Right now I didn't know how I got here or what happened and with past history...

"Stay back"

Even when I spoke it had felt like I had swallowed sandpaper. The doctor looked to the man. His face serious and neutral.

Their heartbeats calm.

"Get Patrick"

He didn't have to repeat himself when the man instantly left the room.

I didn't know who this Patrick was but I wasn't going to find out and I wasn't going to stick around to be used as a lab rat.

Once was enough for me.

"We need you to sit down ok, you could-"

"Get away from me"

They weren't leaving. No instead they stepped closer, their hands up cautiously. The doctors coat rose just the slightly and that's when I say it.

A syringe filled with clear liquid. Not knowing what their intentions were I didn't want to stay and find out. So I started throwing things.

First it was a medical tray followed by shoes. I didn't know why there was shoes there but I wasn't about to ask.

"Stop we're trying-Shit"

The doctor ducked just as I launched a flower vase at his head.

I didn't trust doctors and I wasn't going to start now.

" Get away from me!"

All I could see was the needle inside his coat and wondered of its intended purposes and non of those thoughts were happy.

One of the nurses charged for me and that was when I shoved her back causing her to fly across  the room and out the open door.

"Grab her"


More came at me as other nurses flooded the room. It took seven of them to hold me.
Two of them were holding each of my arms and three of them to hold me steady.

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