21: Pt.1

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*Long Chapter*

The next day the house was full of excitement before lunch with time to spare before the party for their Alpha would begin.

I hadnt seen Patrick since yesterday. Wondering if everything with the vampires in Avery were ok.

The noise in the house was filled with happy conversation and laughter. Even outside Devin was starting the grill and other pack members were either talking with him or were around in conversation and playing some games.

I on the other hand was holed in the room with a racing heart and sweaty hands. Not sure I would be able to handle so many people.

I told patrick I'd try and that's what I'd do. I didn't know how to exactly seeing I was already nearly overwhelmed and I hadn't even gone downstairs yet.

So I opted for a shower. Needing something to calm me down and what better way than the feel of water on my skin and the smell of my lavender soap.

It worked alright.

However when I finally emerged I stopped. On my bed sat a black bag with a small white ribbon that I was sure wasn't there just moments ago and I was a little cautious when I approached it. Not yet looking inside with not knowing where or even who it came from. Then I noticed the piece of paper beside it with my name on it in neat inky letters.

I couldn't not get it for you after the way you looked at it. Try it on and enjoy the party.


The rest of the paper was blank.

It took me a moment before I actually looked into the bag.

Inside sat the dress that I had went back to get yesterday and the same one I had seen when I went shopping with Grace. Paired with the dress was a pair of black shoes and a simple golden bracelet.

The party had started an hour ago and was now in full swing. The whole pack coming to wish their Alpha a Happy Birthday wore smiles as I watched from my window.  Pack members carried in gifts both big and large. Some looking dissapointed when they hadn't spotted their Alpha.

It amazed me the amount of love his pack had for him and they respected him just as much.

I've seen his temper once and felt his power twice. He was a strong man worth respecting, a respect and love he earned from these people. I knew he was kind man, but he also knew when to be Alpha and when to be a friend. I've seen it.

The music from downstairs wasn't to loud but loud enough people danced and enjoyed themselves.

And here I was still huddled up in my room like a scared pussy cat.

Even after I put the dress on I stood in front of the mirror and wondered who the women infront of me was. The dress was casual but it felt so much more.

Once on, the dress had come to mid thigh. The neck line low enough to be modest but also enough to show I had actual breasts. The top half was tight, fitting just enough that it was breathable and not uncomfortable. The bottom hugging loosely to my hips And the the dark green more complementary than I had thought.

The shoes even more so being just the right size and the bracelet going with it perfectly.

I couldn't look away. It's been so long since I've even worn a dress that I forgot about the confidence they gave me.

I brought my hand up pulling the hair tie from my hair letting my red hair fall freely down my back. While I pinned the front strands out away from my face.

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