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I didn't say much during dinner at the Alphas house. I was still focused on all that happened at Abigail's. It was like my thoughts went into over drive.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

I looked up from my spot on the bed. Patrick stood with a towel over his shoulder while drying his hair with the other end. His chiseled chest glistening from the water that ran down his chest.

His pants hung low on his hips. Low enough that the V that led like an arrow down to his manhood showed.

And just like that there was only one thought in my mind. Him.

It was hard to look away. I felt myself get warm with need for him.



I looked to his face then. He clearly didn't mind me checking him out. The smirk on  his face said so.

"What did I just say?"


He said something, I knew he said something but it was like everything just went blank just by being around him.

"Do I distract you?"


Yes. Definitely yes.

He walked towards me then painfully slow. It was like a predator stalking its pray and in this case. He, clearly the predator and myself, the pray.

I squirmed where I sat.

I really wanted him to kiss me now.

"Do I make you nervous?"


It was obvious that he had. In that moment he had.

He got close enough now that if I wanted to, I could look down and my face would be close enough to his stomach. I didn't look down.

He leaned down and captured my lips with his. At first it was slow, patient and soft.

Then I deepened the kiss. Wanting more than what he was giving me. I brought him closer until I was laying on the bed and he was hovering over top of me. His arms holding him up while his hands played in my hair.

I couldn't get enough of him. Even when his lips trailed soft torturous light kisses along my jawline then down my kneck.

An involuntary moan escaped me. Who kisses would feel so good.

"Tell me to stop Red"

I didn't want him to stop. Not even when his hands trailed under my shirt and up to my breasts. Only thing separating them and his hands was the sports bra I had on underneath my night shirt.

Another moan as he gently squeezed.

He kissed me again, deepening the kiss with need and I knew this time if we really didn't stop we would be doing something I knew I wouldn't regret. I really wanted him to keep going.

Then he pulled away backing away quickly with heavy breaths. Leaving me lay on the bed catching my own breath.

"I told you to tell me to stop"

"I-Im sorry"

He looked at me with furrowed brows and came to kneel infront of me as I sat up, his erection clear under his pants.

"Don't apologize ok. You have nothing to be sorry for its just... as much as I want to go further, god I want to but this isn't the place. We should be at home, in our own bed in our own territory. Because when we do there's nothing stopping me from marking you. Not unless you say the word"

I looked down. Red flushing my cheeks as I fiddled around with my fingers. Suddenly feeling like a teenager again and the boy she had a crush on just asked her to prom. Well, if I ever went to prom.

I wasn't a virgin, there was this time when I was fifteen but that was it. It was awkward and it hurt, it definitely wasn't like in the movies or the books made it out to be.

But with Patrick, I wanted to be with him. I loved him and when I was around him it felt like I fish in need of water. He was gentle, sweet and understanding and he made me both comfortable and nervous. He makes me better than I used to me. He makes me want to be brave to speak out and I really wished I waiting for him. That I knew there was someone for me. Or I wouldn't have given myself to a boy named Jerry who talked through his nose and thought dipping his fries in mustard was good. It wasnt.

"Hey, I love you"

"And I love you.

I kissed him sweetly. Both of us controlling ourselves, not letting the kiss deepen.

"Oh. You asked what was going through my head"

I pulled back remember what he asked. That caused him to laugh with a shake of his head. I laughed with him.

"What am I going to do with you"

I shrugged, knowing I could think of a few things but decided it was best to answer that non question.

So I pulled into the bed, got situated beside him and talked. That's all we did. We talked.

We talked about Abigail. We talked about finding Alexander, about what he was going to do about the vampires and we talked about us about eachother.

And we talked until I fell asleep under his arm with my head on his chest.

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