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Since my headache Patrick had been helping me understand more about what he was and how the pack worked. Like how they aged differently, or healed quicker and were stronger etc and how they could change at will after their first full moon.

"So she knows? Everything?"

Andrew sat across from me at the table. It was just Andrew, Rebecca, Shane, Grace, Patrick's father Devin and Patrick and myself.

Knowing I still had an anxiety around people they kept it small with the people I've met and have been around since I have arrived. It still did stop the nervousness that crept through me as my leg bounced under the table.

" Yes"

"Including the Mate thing?"

Shane spoke out next as he stabbed his piece of chicken with his fork.

"Mate thing?"

No, I believe he left that part out. Then again I had left a few parts out as well.

Patrick shot a look to Shane. Who just responded with an innocent shrug.

"Shes gonna find out eventually"

Was all he said. As all eyes looked between the two of us. Patrick shot a glare toward Shane before turning to face me. Making me feel suddenly small.

" do you remember when I had told you that a wolf can be born or turned?"

I remained quiet as I shook my head. Wanting to listen so that I may understand since I didn't understand what "mate thing" they were talking about.

"Well when ever one is born or made another is created by fate. Each wolf is created an equal. A partner or a soulmate for instance. Mate for short"
He gestured towards his parents then Shane and Rebecca.

"My parents are Mates. As is Rebecca amd Shane. Once the bond is consummated and the mate Mark's the other they become equals. In strength and authority. Rebecca has become the female beta after she was marked but she chose to teach instead. Which is just as important. My parents. My Father here was Alpha before me and when he found my mother and their bond was completed she became Luna. His equal and has just as much say as he does over pack affairs. She will remain Luna until my mate takes over her role if chosen to accept"

"So a mate for you guys is like a other half? A yin to a yang"

I understood a little but what I didnt understand was when he mentio him having a mate.

"Yes exactly"

"So you have a mate?"

There was hesitation as he looked back to his parents. A silent conversation going on between them.


Oh. Now that's what that felt like. The moment the man you have a thing for and have beated yourself up over already has a soul mate. No wonder he looked like he was guilty when he kissed me during my panick attack. He was just helping me. I knew that of course but it stung officially knowing it.

"Oh. That's great"

It wasnt great. It sucked but I'd be the big person and be genuinely happy for him.

"But its not what you think Red. I haven't gotten the courage to tell her. See, I want her to choose me because she wants this. Not because fate decided"

"That's nice of you to do. I'd hate to feel like the decision was made already that I'd have to love someone without having a choice to do so"

This had to be the most I've spoken infront of this much people and it was a new achievement for me. I was proud. But found myself feeling a all to familiar emotion I haven't acted on in a long time.

Frustration. Every women wants a soul mate. Someone for them to have wholly, a best friend a protector. Their everything. Well that's what I used to think when I was a kid but yet here he knew whose his was and was keeping her in the dark.

Yes I understood why I agreed with him but at the same time...

"So what's her name?"

Everyone looked down to avoid looking at him or me. While he seemed to internally struggle in finding the answer. No matter truthful he was being. He had yet to tell me a lie.

"Its a surprise"

I accepted the answer. The table was quiet for a moment. Nothing but the sound of the silverware against glass. That was until Rebecca jumped in her seat giggling and just as quickly grabbing Shane's hand to place it above her swollen stomach.

"They kicked!"

And then as Rebecca did since I met her began to ramble on about being pregnant with triplets and turned it to how her hormones made her just as bipolar as they were.

The laughter around the room dissipated whatever invisible tension there was causing my nerves to settle and me to relax more than I have been.

Sometime later Patrick had left. Some situation involving the vampires that he couldn't ignore. Leaving Grace, his father Devin, Andrew and myself.

The three of them had been in the livingroom while I had found myself in the kitchen making tea. I wasn't a big coffee drinker.

"I never developed the taste for tea"

Devin made himself known by taking a seat infront of the counter.

"Its an acquired taste. I guess"

"You know, you came a long way these past few weeks. Everyone has taken a liking to you Miss. Jones"

"They're growing on me to"

And they were. I've grown more comfortable around them. Not much but enough I was interacting more. And not distancing myself as much.

"How are you adjusting?"

She took the tea kettle off the stove as she grabbed herself a cup. She used to ask for anything in the house. Food even. Now she didn't. She helped herself and that was something big for her.

"A lot better than I was. Patrick has helped by being patient. You all were"

"Grace said you were in the foster system as a child"

Now that was something I hardly mentioned. Hating the subject and the way it made me feel.


"You don't have to tell me. But I want you to know that Grace and I will be here if you want to talk about it. Patrick even. He won't admit it but you have that man wrapped around your finger"

It was no secret Patrick and I have been glued to eachother side these past weeks. I was making slow progress when it came to myself and I think Patrick had a big role to play in that.

I only wondered what his mate would think.

"I won't tell"

And I won't. But something suddenly felt off, I didn't think anything of it as I turned to place my cup in the sink. Having drunk it quickly.

When I did though. It was to late. They moved to fast as they came through the windows and the double doors tackling me to the ground in the process. Causing all the glass below be to cut and emerge with my skin and the house erupt into caos.

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