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"You look like the dead"

I felt like the dead. Even more so when I looked into the nearby mirror that hung on the wall before I made my way to the kitchen. Dried blood splattered on my face, dirt coating my arms and neck and my shirt nearly torn beyond recognition and right now all I wanted was to see my mate, shower then go to bed though seeing it was almost one in the morning I wasn't going to wake her. Though I really wanted to know how her first day here had went.

" Thanks mom. What are you doing up?"

I peeled my jacket off as my muscles ached more from the hours before. As did the large gash that screamed under the bandage along my ribcage which would be healed in a few hours. As most heavy wounds did.

"Some last minute Luna things that need done. Speaking of Luna, that's quite a girl you got son"

She was quite a girl indeed.

"How is she?"

Closing the folder in front of her she got up to pour her cup in the sink. The sound echoing around the quiet house.

"She's something. I got her to open up a little bit. Did you know she grew up in the foster system? The subject makes her uncomfortable though"

I never knew that. Even in the days I had come to the hospital I tried to get to know her more. But she hadnt mentioned anything about her being a foster child.

" But Rebecca and Andrew came by. Must have relaxed her seeing a friendly face but shes good. She's polite and shy and even offered to help with dinner"

"I want to see her, but I'll let her sleep. I want to get to know her more. Maybe even love her. But I want her to have the choice wether or not she accepts me. Us"

My mother smiled at me only the way a mother would. Warm and understanding.

" and I can't tell you how happy that makes me to hear. Most wolves like us who find their mate get possessive immediately, they shadow their mate and wont let her have any freedom, sometimes any choices. I'm glad you want it to be her decision and that you want to get to know her. I'm proud of you for that and I'm so happy you found your mate but I think trust needs to be earned first before anything can come from either of you. So changing  the subject how many were there?"

I knew what she was talking about. The serious tone that took over changed the vibe in the room. To answer her question though, more than I liked to count. An hour before Sarah was due to arrive I had gotten a call for a vampire attack of one of our neighboring packs. Since the attacks started, all the packs have been lending hands. Alphas hands on and warriors fighting until their last. But this time was different.

" a swarm. We got there just in time. It's like they were hunting for something. They attacked the houses first, tore it apart then turned to attacking the people. I've never seen them like this before. They're getting angrier that's for surr"

"Well I'll double patrol here in the morning I'm still Luna right now so I think it's best to set a curfew before sunset and every member of the pack must be chaperoned by a warrior on their way home"

Grabbing one of the cookies from the counter I had bit into it. The flavors attacking my taste buds. The chocolate giving me a little boost from my current exhaustion and thought about what she had said.

" I agree, I'll set a round the clock perimeter watch around pack territory including entering and leaving and I'll go from door to door on patrol to make sure their all accounted for and will hold a pack meeting this afternoon to let them know the dangers of these things. Until then I'll have Andrew and mitch stay with Sarah while I'm not around and I'm sure Rebecca could use the company while Shane is with me"

"You're a good Alpha you know that? And I'm sure an even better mate"

I sure as hell hoped so. Right now though. I needed sleep.

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