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*Sexual Content *

"What are you reading?" Patrick spoke as he sat behind me as I hid away in the study. He then began trailing light kisses along my neck.

"Pride and Prejudice"

Slowly my book lowered as his distracting lips took my attention away from the novel in my hand. His lips sent a pleasurable sensation down my body, leaving me moist for him.

"Want to read it to me?"

His lips never ceased. His hands coming to massage my shoulders. My breathing quickened as his hands trailed from my shoulders and down my arms to the bottom of my shirt to the waist line of my skirt and slowly brought my skirt up until I felt his skin against my thigh.

"Am I distracting you?"


My breath hitched just as his hand moved antagonizing slow underneath the thin fabric and underneath the material of my underwear.

"Is that so?"

I couldn't find the words. Not even when he put one finger into me, causing me to drop the book completely. With each stroke  I felt like coming undone. I held on to his arms as I turned and kissed him wanting the release that was so close.

I stopped him, turning to where I was straddling him. I could feel him through his Jean's and I hated the layer separating us.

"Hey- Oh Oh I'm sorry I didn't..."

I fell off of Patrick with a thud on the floor completely embarrassed and now completely frustrated at our interruption.

And watched astonished at Shane's retreating figure and then to Patrick who had his face covered and one of the throw pillows now covering his member. Before looking at me, the heated look still in his eyes.

"We're moving"

I couldn't help but laugh at him. And it felt good.

"What's funny?"


"Oh really" then he was on top of me in an instant hitting every ticklish spot I had. Causing me to squeal in laughter.

"Its not so funny now is it?"

I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard as I squirmed underneath him.

"No, no I'm sorry. I give. I give"

He looked down at me. His hands hovering over my sides.

"I thought so, but we are going to continue this later"

He was still straddling me, his hands stopping the assault of tickling me as they recently were.

And my mood quickly changed upon hearing Alexander down the hall.

"Do I have to talk to him?"

Helping me to my feet Patrick rested his palm on my neck while giving me a kiss on my head.

"Not if you don't want to. I'm not going to lie to you though, you do need to talk to him. I already talked to him but he's leaving something out I can feel it. But know when you talk to him do it for you, and that I will be close by. I will give you the privacy but I will not leave you alone with him"

That made me feel better. The thought of being alone with the man who was my father who was also a stranger made me nervous and uncomfortable.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

" Loving me when I didn't think no one else would"

And that was the truth. I spent so much time by myself that I thought I'd never found what I now had with Patrick. He saved me, more ways than one and for that I was thankful.

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