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Grace and I had been in the kitchen when the house suddenly erupted with laughter and Rebecca walked in with two people behind her.

A tall man with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a scar above his left eye. I realized I seen him before. He was there with another man when Patrick stopped those nurses and doctor from holding me down. Beside him was another women. Her thick wavy dark hair fell down her back with little effort. Her crop top and high waisted jeans showing her curves. Her eyes though were dark green and complemented her tanned complexion.

They were laughing at something. By the way Rebecca had been pouting I'd say they were laughing at her.

" Its the hormones. I can't control it. Its like that time I went into town with Shane and some women tried flirting with him. I growled at her. Growled. So it's not my fault. Really"

" you nearly broke his finger!"

The man laughed out. Until he seen Grace and I his laughter died down and his face serious.

"He grabbed my muffin. He's my brother he'll survive it's not like he can tell on me. I'm the pregnant one and everyone knows not to take food from a pregnant lady. Especially a pregnant wol-"

" Rebecca"

" Wha- Sarah you're here!"

Suddenly I had arms wrapped around me like I'd suddenly dissapear.

" When did you get here? I didn't know you'd be coming. You look great. How are you feeling? Are you staying or visiting? Oh what kind of question is that. Patrick is going to be so happy your here. I'm sure Grace mentioned he was taking care of something otherwise he would have been here to see you. I couldn't believe it when they told me you'd be staying glad to fina-"

"Rebecca dear let the girl breathe"

Grace spoke from behind me with amusement in her voice. Which cause Rebecca to jump back. Suddenly I could breathe again. Really.

"I'm sorry. I didnt mean to I just get so excited and-"

"Yes we know Rebecca. Sometimes you can't shut up"

The women beside the man spoke up sounding almost rude. It was then I noticed the shift in the room.

" What did you follow us in here Ferret? What do you want?"

The smiling and happy Rebecca was replaced with an annoyed version who looked like she could wish this women invisible. While the other man made his way behind the counter giving Grace a hug.

" Well you answered my question. I was looking for Patrick"

"Ferrah he isnt here and I believe he asked you to leave him alone after your breakup"

At the mention of a break up I perked in interest. Of course he'd date. Why wouldn't he? He's a good looking man and from what I got to know of him a great one at that.

" he did. Romantically. He said nothing about stay away as friends. So whose this?"

The three of them exchanged looks. Rebecca however didn't seem to get the hidden meaning when she suddenly let her Rambling loose.

"His Ma-ahh"

That was before the man had his hand over her mouth stopping her. I didn't understand it.

" I'm Sarah"

I spoke up. The tension in the room still thick but quickly diminishing as Rebecca stood with the man's hand still over her mouth and all that could be heard were muffled sounds.

Ferrah looked at me. From head to toe and something about the energy she was portraying had me weary.

" Right. Anyway can you let patrick know I have some things for him. Thanks"

Being sure to look intimidating she stood taller narrowed her eyes me and then turned on her heal and strutted out the door.

I didn't understand what I was supposed to be intimidated by exactly and that amused me greatly.


The man tore his hand from Rebecca quickly, checking it over.

" Serves you right"

" Sarah, this is Andrew a close member of our family. Though childlike as he seems to be he's not so childish sometimes"

"Nice to finally meet you"

"You to"

He went back to nursing his hand that had clear bite marks just on his palm.

It had gotten late quickly. Patrick sent his apologies for not being there when I had gotten there and to see me as soon as he got back.

And due to my new surroundings it had taken me a lot longer to fall asleep. Though it eventually came after I changed my bandages which were finally healing quickly. Another day or two and I'd no longer need the bandages. It just took longer than expected. Come midnight I was dozing off just as I heard the front door open.

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