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I stared at the open file infront of me. Reading over every thing for the fifth time that day.

I was sitting in Patrick's office infront of the computer. Contemplating on looking the names up.

"Pat-oh its you"

" what do you want Ferrah"

I didn't look up from the folder. Nor did I mean to sound as rude as I did.

" looking for Patrick-"

" hes not here"

I shut the folder and looked up at her. Making myself comfortable.

"Yes I can see that thank you. I needed to give this back. He left it at my house last night"

My body perked up at that as she pulled something from her pocket. Laying the watch down on the desk.

My heart sped up. No...

"That's not-"

" I told you I'd prove it and I enjoyed every minute of it. He's really thorough. Even made a date for later. Tata"

Oh I hated her. So much. I wanted to grab ahold of her hair and rip it out of her head just for...

She shut door softly and all I could do was stare at the watch. Then got up and left it there.

I needed a walk. A run or something. She was lying I knew she was. He wouldn't...

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Mitch spoke beside me.

We had been walking for the past two hours and I couldn't stop my thoughts from jumping to conclusions.



And the silence continued. Eventually I had headed back to the house. It was full of life this afternoon. Pack members going in and out. Some going from the kitchen to the family room and etc. Reminded me of his birthday party. Only this time this many people didn't give me heavy anxiety or make me uncomfortable.

I knew I had to talk to Patrick. Confront him on what Ferrah had claimed. After everything he explained to me with her and her previous actions. I owed that much not to jump to conclusions. No matter how upset I was.

So I made my way to the office. Which took a little longer after my detour through the kitchen and livingroom saying a quick hello to Devin and Grace.

When I had came to his office I opened the door only to stop dead in my tracks. Long enough for Patrick's lips to break from Ferrahs

"Ferrah N-"

He stopped noticing  the door opened and looked from Ferrah and myself.

"Sarah, no I-"

"Excuse me"

"Red, let me-"

The moment he touched my arm I acted on emotion and reflex. The whole house silenced just as my hand connected with his face and I froze for a moment. Unable to believe I just did that. His head shot to the side from the force behind the slap and on the left side of his face was the red outline of my hand print and the shock clear on his face when he had looked back at me. I quickly averted my eyes, unable to look at him

I didn't mean to but I couldn't find the voice to apologize.

"Let her go Patrick, come back and we-"

I broke free from his hold and took off into the study. I couldn't stand there any longer and the study was closest place I could let my emotions go in peace.

"You have-"

I shut him out. I couldn't hear what he was going to say. Not to her. I couldn't.

I locked the door behind me backing away from the door with my head in my hands.

Why was it always me?
What did I do?

And why did it hurt so damn much?

I couldn't breathe. The pounding on the door making my head throb as choked back on the cry that wanted to come out. This morning things were normal and great and our kiss was...

No, he couldn't have... she was lying.. but then why....

It hurt. So much.

My chest ached and my heart...I loved him. I realize it now. How did it take seeing that make me realize it?

"Red, let me in please!"

I squeezed my eyes shut. No I can't let him in. I did once and now this is what I get for it.

"Red open the door. Come on baby please"

His voice sounded as broken as I felt. Or it sounded that way from the ringing in my ears. I wasn't sure.

"Red I'm begging you please open the door"

I didn't move though from my position on the floor in the center of the room with my knees brought to my chest and my head down.

I was getting better. I was changing and all of that was for me but now it didn't feel worth it.

To see him kissing someone else. When I...

No, I just wanted to sit there. Even with his pleas to open the door and let him in. Even when Grace, Andrew or even Devin came I didn't move.

A knock came from the door.

I wished they'd just leave me alone. So I opened the door and silently made my way to the stairs. Not looking at Mitch who stood there surprised that I opened the door at all. Luckily the house was now empty aside from the handful of us.

"Red... please let me explain"

I stopped along the steps. Gripping the rail for support. I know I wanted him to explain things. I just couldn't get the sight of them out of my head. So continued walking up the stairs and into bedroom. Feeling the need for a shower.

After, I would talk to him.

I only got out of the shower when the water ran cold. Placing a pair of leggings and a baggy tshirt. I dried my hair quickly and was in the middle of braiding my hair when my door opened.

"I'm not leaving you alone until I explain. I need to explain"

"Patrick please not-"

" yes now. I'm not giving you space with this. Not when I have to tell you that I pushed her away. That she came on to me, Red I swear I would never do that to you"

I turned to him. His hair was a mess and his clothes unkept.

"She came to me saying you spent the night with her. That she was looking for you to return your watch you left. That's why I came to you. Only to find you kissing her and I felt..."

"I didn't go anywhere near her last night. I swear to you. You would have smelled her on me if what she was implying was true"

"It don't make seeing you two hurt any less"

He let out a long sigh before leading me to the bed. Sitting beside me while keeping my hand in his.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what she was trying to accomplish by doing what she did but trust me when I tell you that I love you to much to betray you like that"

He looked down at our inner locked hands before bringing them up to his lips. I took him in for a moment. How gentle he was, how calm. Aside from his racing heart at his declaration.

He didnt look at me for a moment. He focused on my hand instead and it took me a moment to remember how to breathe.

Then I took his face in my hands and kissed him. Not trusting myself to speak I hoped he felt it the way I kissed him.

Soft and slow letting all my emotions flow through. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer until his arms were wrapped securely around me.

And I knew I didn't have to say anything because he felt it.

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