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I stared at the bright screen. Article after Article about what happened flashed infront of me.

At 9:15pm Polieman showed up to the Residence of Mr. Adam Larson and Mrs. Teresa Teresa Larson. A call had been reported hours earlier of hear strange noises coming from the residence. Recently the couple had taken in a teen, Sarah Jones. Agreeing to foster her up until the time she is to turn 18.

Neighbors reported not having seen the young girl for months and whenever the couple was asked they simply stayed she was off visiting a relative.

When Police and Social Services arrived on scene they arrived to an empty house with no sight of the young girl.

After further search they had discovered a hidden compartment leading to a room filled with weapons and a reinforced steel cage. There were many parties that fled. The police were able to take Mr and Mrs Larson into custody along with one other.

Once retrieving Miss Jones from the cage medics had attended to a series of Injuries along with a case of malnutrition and dehydration.

When questioned Mr and Mrs Larson denied any association with the abuse of Sarah Jones.

Upon questioning the third party who was no less that twenty one years of age refused to give them a name of his person.

But simply had this to say.

John Doe: "her kind is an abomination. Something like that should never exist, she's a freak"

It had later came to light how Yeah how the girl victim was believed to have supernatural abilities that of a werewolf.

The young man stood by his statement after swearing the girl shouldn't have been allowed to live. He was then later taken for further evaluation.

I couldn't read anymore. I knew there would have been reports and news articles but never had I thought they'd use my name. I was told they wouldn't.

My eyes hurt from staring at the screen to long. Its brightness giving me a headache. Not helping with the one Ferrah had given me.

I was still at war with myself with what I did to her. I never wanted to kill her. I wanted her to yield and to leave us alone.

The wound she inflicted was healing, a lot faster than I had before. In a few hours it would fully be healed.

I couldn't sleep that night, see her face replay in my head. How she laid there lifeless in the dirt as it clotted with her blood and I had been numb. It wasnt until I was washing the blood off, watching it flow down the drain did I fully react.

The sound of screeching tired brought me out of my thoughts. Followed by a slamming of a car door, I sensed him instantly but before I even left the office yelling and screaming broke out.

"Red! Where is she? I swear if anything happened to her there's-"

"Patrick calm down shes-"

" Don't tell me to fucking calm down! Don't ever tell me to calm down, now where is she?"

The anger and worry came off of him in waves, much like in Moone. This Patrick had a dark aura surrounding him.

Members approached him with caution and some tried to restrain him from taking his claws across their bodies.

His eyes were black and his claws elongated as his father tried to calm him down only to fail.


He stilled, looking at me. He threw them off of him before run to me. Taking my head in his looking me over, only finding the fading bruises and busted lip. Then he pulled my shirt up and his hands gripped the part of my shirt in his hand as he looked at the bandage I had on.

"Where is she?"

I didn't need to ask who he was talking about. Because I still felt her blood on my hands.

"Red, where the hell is she?" 

I couldn't look at him and I tried to hide the shakiness in my voice as I spoke next.

"S-She wouldn't- wouldn't yield and I.... she was going to kill. She tried snapping my neck and I-I didn't want to yield. Or to lose you to her so I... Patrick I didn't want to kill her"

I said the last part low. Bringing my arms around my waist and looked up abruptly when I got a smell of something. Foreign, yet familiar.

Patrick didn't get a chance to speak next as I looked at the man who just got out of the vehicle. Ive seen his pictures. I had one of him and I.


"I wanted to tell you. I didn't want you to give your hopes up if I couldn't find anything. We went looking for him as well as trailing the vampires"

I couldn't move. I just stared at the man. That was when I reached for Patricks hand hoping this was all real.

And I tensed as Alexander walked along the vehicle. It was like it was slow and torturous. When he got to the front step and close enough I knew that this was in fact real I stepped back.

The action alone had Andrew and Mitch coming to stand infront of me. Along with Grace and Devin and a few others. As if they were protecting me from an unknown threat.

Devin, Grace, Andrew, Mitch, Shane and Rebecca were told everything regarding my past and family before Patrick left. Seeing they deserved to know.

And now they stood protectively between myself and my father.

Even Patrick.

The longer I looked at the man infront of me the more my anxiety rose and my anger heightened. But I had enough of the anger for one day.

"Gen-Sarah... I-"

And I turned around and walked back into the house before he could even finish his sentence.

"You will give her time. You will not push her to talk to you or smother her in any way am I understood?"

Patrick spoke out his voice stern, yet still holding the anger and worry he was feeling moments go.

"Now, my office"

I had just gotten to the last step at the top f the stairs when I heard the footsteps head down the hall and the door shut just as I entered our room and I sunk to the floor, bringing my knees to my chest and sat there. I sat there until I felt my body be lifted from the ground.

Not realizing I had fallen asleep.

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