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The room was silent.

Patrick had taken us into his office sometime ago and I had taken a place upon his lap. Wanting him close since my emotions were, no are still all over the place and I couldn't look at the man standing in the corner while my grandmother just stared at him like he was some hologram.

In this office it was then that Alexander explained everything. And it made my stomach uneasy just from the information.

"I dont understand? So that's why you never came home after Gennys death? Whom you faked by the way just to keep her out of her mother's clutches?"

Abigail spoke. Her face still tear stained but her voice was angry.

"Yes, After Serena died after having Genevieve she came back a few hours later. Thinking I got her being dead wrong I didn't think anything of it. I didn't even notice the change in her scent. I was in denial. But then she got angry. Blaming me and Gen for her death. She tried to kill her and then me. I thought I had taken care of her. After all Gen came first. But I was wrong. She hunted us down and I knew she wouldn't stop. So I had to fake your death Sarah and give you up with the best chances of survival and with her knowing I wouldn't leave you I to had to dissapear. I covered my tracks, held no electronics and stayed away from any hospitals. But that didn't work again facial recognition I guess. Shes been following me for years. Sending her spawns to raid towns and packs for me and I'm assuming you.

Five years ago she caught up to me. Demanding where you were and asking why she shouldn't just kill me where she had me. I pulled a knife laced with all the poisons one can get there hands on and stabbed her with it. Yes she was dead but it was enough to slow her down. She did mention something about a plan she had in store and got upset, irritable even when I wouldn't give you up. Even I didn't know where you were I just prayed you were safe and I just wanted to protect you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"W-what d-does she want with me? W-what do I have to do with anything? I-I was a baby I-I didn't... Its not... Patrick"

My breathing hitched. I didn't understand why my own mother wanted me dead. Or what ever it was that she wanted with me. It wasnt my fault what happened to her when I was a baby but to want me dead or whatever it was? To the point my own father had to hide me away and fake my death i knew it couldn't be good and i couldn't breath.

Would she attack here? What would happen to the pack? To Patrick...

That thought alone had me hyperventilating, I didn't notice it when Patrick turned me to face him.

I was burning up, it felt like there was a fire in my lungs just waiting to burst and spread. Torching everything in its wake.

"Red, I'm here. Nothing is going to happen. Ok, nothing is going to happen"

I knew Alexander wasn't lying. I sensed it.

He couldn't say that. He didnt know what was coming. I had just got my family and she was going to try and take it. Take me from it.

"I- I c-an't-"

Soon the room began to spin. I held onto my head. Praying for it to stop.

Why me? Why was it always me?

"Sweetheart I-"

"No! No!"

I shrunk back into Patrick away from the gentle tone of Abigail.

What if they came back? What if I couldn't hepl them? What if they couldn't make it to the cellars?


And that was the last thing I heard before it all went black.

My head throbbed like I just got hit by a hammer and the noise in the room wasn't helping.

"I don't care who you are! Be glad I'm asking instead of ordering. I will not have you jeopardize her safety. Not anymore. You should have told us two weeks ago"

Patrick was standing infront of Alexander while Grace and Abigail tried to diffuse the tension.

"I couldn't. Not without telling her first. It's to late for me to leave now anyway. Serena is probably already watching"

"You should have killed that blood sucker when you had the chance! Now look"

Alexander's face fell with a pained expression before looking into Patrick's eyes.

"Would you be able to kill the women you loved? Wether she was a vampire or not. Yes I understand she had already died. But would you be able to look at the shell of the women you loved and kill her? Who talked like her and looked like her right down to the T"

Patrick took a step back. Not expecting that response. He then looked at me and a painful expression crossed his features before coming to sit beside me. Placing his hand on my cheek as I looked up at him.

"No, no I wouldn't. But that still doesn't change the fact that you should have told us"

I leaned into his touch. Before making it to where I was straddling him. I didn't care who was there right now I just embraced him and I felt my body relax as he tightly wrapped his arms around me.

"I am sorry Sarah. I just wanted to protect you from her"

I didn't look at him. Even though I understood his reasons that didn't mean I wasn't hurt.

My vampire mother wanted me, who also was stalking my estranged father whom ive just met and now she was either on her way here or already was and that meant my family was in danger and the pack as well. All because my vampire queen mother was obsessive and probably wanted me dead.

" sir, you got to come see this"

Walking into the room stood one of the pack wolves who stood at our perimeter, looking rather pale and worried.

"What is it Michael?"

"Uh... red eyes sir. They are at the border by the dozen and more are coming. A lot more"

Patrick was back in Alpha mode. Removing me from my current position he stood. His hand still holding mine as he shouted out orders to everyone in the room before leaving the house.

"Red, I need you to-"

"I'm coming with you"

"What? No your staying here"

" no, you're my mate not my boss. As much as I respect and love you I'm not staying behind. I'm not going to stand by and be a damsel"

Frustratingly he ran his hands through his hair and let out a string of curses.

"I can't deal with them and worry about you. I need you safe"

"And I need you safe but do you see me asking you to stay and hide away?"

He was silent then grumbled before taking my hand and running towards the border together.

At the pack border, we were not given an exaggeration because infront of us, were dozens of mad red eyes just there and the numbers are growing.


"They started coming not to long ago, we fought some off but quickly they all just began to stand around like statues. The more that come the more that just stand there"

I let go of Patrick's hand to look closely at them. They were infact like statues. That was until they started to part like the red sea.



I didn't say anything as I watched the figure walk down the path made like a woman on a mission. Every cell in my body buzzed to life knowing who this women was. Her human features were sharp and only thing giving what she was away was the red eyes that seemed to glow.

"Is that..."

"My mother"

She stopped and smiled at me. A deathly smile that had me moving closer to Patrick and the wolves around us to take a defensive stance. They were just waiting on their command.

"Hello Daughter"

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