Chapter 27 - Family Reunion

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The backroom was rather fancy considering it was in a cafe. Luxury red and gold sofas, a proper old-fashioned fire place with a fire peacefully crackling away, and so much more.

A large pokémon had been led down beside the fire, standing up as Kyra and Lysandre walked in. Said pokémon walked over to Lysandre and purred as his chin was stroked.

Kyra had her pokédex and was looking for information, she wanted to know what she would be up against in the off chance if things turned nasty.

"Pyroar, the Royal pokémon, a Fire and Normal Type. With a fiery breath of over 10,000⁰F, they viciously threaten any challenger. Male Pyroar have larger manes whilst female Pyroar have sleeker manes, both are protective of those they are loyal to."

Lysandre sat down and gestured for Kyra to do the same. Pyroar jumped onto the sofa beside Lysandre and rested his head in his trainer's lap, keeping a close eye on Kyra.

"It's been a while Kyra. You're looking well," Lysandre said.

Kyra was stunned, she had finally found her Father. "Ten years...and that's all you have to say?"

"Of course not. I just...I don't even know where to begin. I can't tell you how much I've missed you," Lysandre said, his care towards Kyra clear.

Kyra didn't know how to react, she was both happy to finally have been reunited with her Father at long last, but at the same time angry that it had been so long. "You obviously didn't miss me enough to come back."

"You wouldn't understand. What matters now is that we're back together," Lysandre replied, attempting to reason with Kyra's anger.

Kyra raised an eyebrow, "I don't understand?! What is there to understand? You left, simple as that."

"I'll tell you why in due time, that time isn't now. Look, I wanted to tell you about what Team Flare are working for. We can make up for the ten years we lost," Lysandre said.

Kyra wasn't interested in whatever Lysandre had to say unless it was going back to what things used to be. "Unless it's working to come back home to Sinnoh and going back to normal, I'm not interested."

"I thought you'd be happier than this about seeing me again."

Kyra sighed, "I am happy to see you. I just don't want this to be what you are."

"This to be what I am?" Lysandre questioned.

"Team Flare. Aliana told me earlier she reminded me of her boss...that'd be you. Why, why did you do it? Is this why you left, so you could start up Team Flare?!"

Lysandre wasn't surprised Kyra had jumped to conclusions like this, it was difficult for her not to have done. But at the same time, it hurt to know she was the one thwarting his plans. "No, I didn't leave to form Team Flare, it's just a coincidence that happened. Speaking of, I can't let you keep stopping me and pushing my plans back, you won't be stopping me from creating our perfect world."

"Our perfect world? So Mum and I are just nothing to you?!"

Lysandre knew he shouldn't have been so blunt about what he had said, of course Kyra and Victoria meant something to him. "That's what I mean by our. We can be together again, in our perfect world."

"My perfect world would be things going back to what they were! I don't want you destroying this world just because you can," Kyra snapped as she lost her temper.

Lysandre was surprised by Kyra's temper, hurting him even more. "Work against me if you must Kyra, but let me tell you that your pride won't get you anywhere. You may be my daughter, but as much as I love you, I know what's best for you. This world is flawed, you and Victoria deserve more than that. You'll see, in the end."

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