Chapter 6 - Psychic Training

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Willow was still pestering Kyra for more information on who she had met last night. Kyra was rather enjoying seeing Willow struggle to work out much and she stayed quiet.

"Nate, Kyra met someone last night and won't tell me who," Willow complained over breakfast.

Nate was surprised to hear Kyra had met someone, it was the last thing he expected to hear this morning. "How serious we talking here?"

Kyra smiled, "That's for me to know and you to find out."

"You're such a tease," Willow laughed, playfully punching Kyra.

"Oh I know. Now come on, let's go to Route 5 and do some training," Kyra replied, returning Ralts and Fennekin to their pokéballs to make sure neither one got lost in Lumiose City.

The trio walked to South Boulevard to reach the entrance to Route 5, there were a few roller skaters putting their skates on in the Gate. Although Kyra had always wanted to try skating, she knew her sense of balance was atrocious. Not to mention it would be difficult training whilst trying to keep balance on the skates even if she did have the luxury of being able to balance.

Willow mainly wanted to focus on training up Flabébé since Froakie was doing quite well in terms of training. Nate on the otherhand wanted to catch another member to add to his team, but first he wanted to do a little bit more training with Chespin just in case he was at a disadvantage for the next Gym too.

Kyra found a quiet place to train and she sent Fennekin and Ralts back out. She wanted to focus much more of Ralts, so she let Fennekin and Lucario train together since they were getting along well together. Fennekin wanted to try and teach herself how to use Psybeam, she had hoped that seeing Lucario use a similar kind of move would spark some inspiration.

"Alright, now those two have gone off to train. What do you know already? If we know that, it'll give me an idea as to what we can potentially teach you," Kyra asked, wanting Ralts to take some control of his training.

Ralts explained that he knew Growl, Confusion, and Double Team. Kyra knew that with Ralt's nerves, Double Team would make for a useful strategy, especially combined with Confusion.

Kyra started off by having Ralts use Double Team. Ralts followed his trainer's request and showed off the move. He had clearly had a lot of practice in using it, even Kyra couldn't distinguish which Ralts was real upon first sight.

"That's amazing Ralts, Double Team will surely come in handy in the future. Now to just work out which one you are," Kyra praised, challenging herself to find the real Ralts.

The Ralts duplicates all snickered as Kyra tried to work out which one was the real one. He didn't want to say anything just in case the game away, but he had mastered the act of silent snickering since he had been rather the prankster back on Route 4 with the help of Double Team.

"Playing a little game are we? How about using Confusion?" Kyra asked, hoping to try and fool Ralts into revealing himself.

The duplicates shook their heads, they knew what Kyra was trying. She was clearly very analytical when it came to pokémon, what most pokémon didn't catch on to, she would do. The split second movement of one Ralts before the rest would surely give the game away.

"So That's how it is, is it? Fine by me, I've got a pretty good idea of which one you are Ralts anyway," Kyra replied, crouching down so she could pick up the Ralts she thought to be the real one.

However, the Ralts disappeared as Kyra went to pick him up. This was one of the duplicates.

The real Ralts snuck up on Kyra and playfully jumped onto her back. "Hehe, I fooled you."

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