Chapter 52 - Aura Trio

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Malva was relieved to feel Kyra's breathing soon return to normal as the antidote began to work, at least Lysandre had been honest about the antidote being an antidote.

"She's going to be alright you two, she's recovering pretty quickly," Malva said, reassuring Lucario and Houndoom that Kyra would be fine.

Lucario perked up, relieved Kyra was alive. Houndoom was just as pleased, she and Lucario could breath easy now.

Malva continued to comfort Kyra as she slowly came round. Kyra was a little dazed and unaware of what had happened, but glad that Malva had stayed with her.

"Where's Lysandre?" Kyra asked as she realised Lysandre wasn't in the room with them.

Malva sighed, "He went back on his word. Xerosic pushed the line and he wants to make him and the other Scientists pay. I tried telling him that this isn't what we agreed on, but you know as well as I do that Lysandre's stubborn."

Kyra had known all along this was too good to be true, she should never have trusted that Lysandre had really changed. "I should have known. Getting me an antidote so he could use that as a claim that he cares."

Malva could hear from Kyra's voice just how upset she was, not that she would admit it out loud that was. She wanted to cheer Kyra up as much as she could, but she didn't know how to go about doing it.

"I don't know why he went back on his word, but I know deep down he still cares for you. How about we try and stop him together, he's more likely to listen to you. Think about it, you got him to change his mind in the first place. If anyone can get him to see straight, it'll be you," Malva comforted.

Kyra heard what Malva said and she nodded, "OK, we'll go. I just hope I don't regret this. What if we're too late?"

"We'll be in time, try not to think too negatively, OK?" Malva replied, hoping her confidence would help Kyra's.

Kyra tried to stay positive as Malva had suggested, getting up and hugging Lucario to assure he that she was fine now. Houndoom asked for hugs too since she had been just as worried, Kyra gave Houndoom what she wanted, surprised by how soft her fur was.

Whilst Kyra was reassuring Lucario and Houndoom, Malva began considering how best to go about stopping Lysandre. She knew exactly where Lysandre would be headed, but it was too much of a risk to just go there without making sure they knew where the others Legendary Pokémon of Kalos were.

"Feel free to shut this down, but I think that it's best to let Nate and Willow help us. If Lysandre's going through with what I think he is, he's taking control of one of the Legendary pokémon, Yveltal. He's a member of the what us Kalosian's call the Aura trio, along with Xerneas and Zygarde. If Lysandre gets too enraged, then we'll need the other two to stop Yveltal from destroying Kalos and potentially the whole world," Malva explained, posing her suggestion to Kyra.

Kyra was at first reluctant to accept the suggestion, but it would make things easier and make sure that Lysandre didn't go too far in his plan. "Alright, we'll let them help. They should be at the pokémon centre by now, considering how worried Lucario is I was probably out for quite a while."

Malva was glad to hear Kyra accepting Nate and Willow's help.

Lucario slung Kyra's bag over her shoulders and told her to take it easy. Malva and Houndoom both agreed that Kyra needed to take it easy, and Kyra eventually gave in.

To Kyra's relief, Nate and Willow were in the pokémon centre, having collected Absol and Meowstic's pokéballs for her since Nurse Joy remembered them from before.

"You're really not looking so good, what happened in there," Nate asked, he and Willow had both spotted Kyra looking rather worse for wear.

Kyra shook her head, "Don't ask, we haven't got time. I'm fine, just annoyed."

Malva had half a mind to tell Nate and Willow what had happened, but as Kyra had said, there wasn't much time. "Kyra and I need your help in locating two of Kalos' Legendary pokémon. We know where the most dangerous of the three will be, hence we're going together. Xerneas, a Fairy Type, raoms around the forests, Willow you'd probably be best suited to find her since you have three Fairy Types on your team and they can help you find her."

"Nate, that leaves you with Zygarde, a Dragon and Ground Type. He'll be in Terminus Cave, and that's where you can find the Aggron line, you said you wanted one, so you'd be able to get down two Pidgey's with one stone," Kyra added, having told Malva about Nate's desire to have an Aggron as his final partner.

Nate and Willow were happy to help out, but they wanted to know what Kyra and Malva were so panicked. Lysandre had changed his mind and favoured Kyra's now, right?

"One of the Scientists poisoned me with Toxic. Lysandre gave me an antidote, but the poisoning pushed him over the edge. He's angry, and Malva and I are worried he'll go to too far an extreme. He went back on his word, but I'm trying to get him to see sense," Kyra explained, caving and telling Nate and Willow what happened with Toxic.

As Kyra had expected, Nate and Willow didn't take the news well. They were both worried about Kyra and advised her to stay behind and let Malva try and persuade Lysandre to stop.

"We can't. The only person Lysandre will listen to is Kyra, he wouldn't listen to me. Kyra's the only one who stands a chance. I pr...I'll do anything I can to protect her, for all of our sakes," Malva replied, remembering that the reason Kyra and Lysandre had fallen out in the first place was because of a broken promise, she knew she was being silly with superstition, but she wasn't going to take any chances.

Kyra appreciated Malva's choice of words, it helped to calm her nerves a bit.

The group arranged to meet at Snowbelle City later on unless one of them messaged to say otherwise. Malva was happy to fly Kyra there, whilst Nate could find it close to Terminus Cave and meet with Willow to fly her there.

Although the plan seemed sound, Kyra was still nervous something would go wrong. She knew already she'd be a wreck around Lysandre since she was so desperate to have him back, she just hoped that wouldn't make this anymore difficult.

Willow sent out Sylveon and Florges to help with Mawile to find Xerneas whilst Nate let Aerodactyl out and Mega Evolved him to give him some extra flying speed since Terminus Cave was pretty far from Lumiose City. Meanwhile, Kyra was trying to persuade Lucario to go into her pokéball, but Lucario wasn't taking kindly to the thought.

"What if you and Malva get hurt and no one ever finds you? I'd be trapped in my pokéball forever. You know I don't like enclosed spaces," Lucario reminded, more scared than reluctant to go in her pokéball.

Kyra sighed, "Geosenge Town is pretty far, I don't want you running all that way, especially not by yourself. I'll send you out the second Malva and I land. It'll only be a few minutes, a quarter of an hour at most."

"Why not have Gallade use Teleport? Houndoom hates her pokéball too," Lucario suggested.

Houndoom nodded, "Lucario poses a good idea. We can scout out the area and make sure that it's safe. That way neither me nor Lucario have to be in our most feared place."

With Houndoom agreeing to the idea, Kyra suggested it to Malva, wanting her input too.

"It's fine by me, it's better than Houndoom and Lucario being stressed."

Kyra let Gallade out and told him the plan, using a Max Revive on him to give him some more energy after having lost to Xerosic earlier. Gallade was happy to teleport Lucario and Houndoom to Geosenge Town.

Now that Kyra and Malva knew that Lucario and Houndoom weren't as stressed, they both relaxed a bit. Malva gave Kyra another hug before sending Talonflame out, "You're doing really well, I can see how stressed you are. We'll sort this, I know we will."

Kyra smiled, "Everything seems possible when I'm with you, so I trust you. Come on, let's go."

Malva was glad to see Kyra a bit more confident now and she let Talonflame out. Talonflame led down so that it was easier for Kyra and Malva to get on, Kyra clinging onto Malva as they flew both for comfort and so she didn't fall off.

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