Chapter 90 - Adulthood

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Nate questioned, he and Willow having been quietly planning their way of letting Kyra know it was her birthday.

Willow nodded, "She'll be fine. It's her 18th birthday, we can't not do our usual way of celebrating birthdays."

Every year, for any of their birthdays, they would make sure to have a sleepover so they could wake up the birthday person at midnight. Another one of their friendly traditions that had stuck. But there was one issue, Kyra was fast asleep with her headphones on, and running high on emotions as it was. It wasn't unfeasible that she would end up snapping.

Willow, since she was sat next to Kyra, gently shook her to try and wake her up. Kyra replied with a very tired groan.

"Happy birthday!" Nate and Willow greeted.

Birthday? Oh yeah. "Thanks."

"You're not too mad?" Nate questioned.

Kyra shrugged, "Honestly I kind of forgot."

"But it's your eighteenth, you can't forget your eighteenth," Willow reminded.

Kyra wasn't by any means in the mood to celebrate anything, let alone her birthday. To her, it just felt like another day.

"Not in the mood, huh?" Nate noticed, he and Willow trying to think of a way of perking Kyra up.

But nothing either of them could think of could bring Kyra out of her slump. They couldn't force her to want to celebrate, but it was still a little sad to see Kyra not making the same big deal about her birthday as she would normally do. You'd think being an adult now, Kyra would want to do at least something to signify it, but she just didn't want to. After what had happened, it was understandable.

"It'll be OK, you're probably just tired and will feel better once you've woken up a bit," Willow reassured, hoping for Kyra's sake that would be the case.

A couple of hours later, the plane began it's decent back into Jubilife City. Yes it had meant for a slightly longer flight, but they were able to get home slightly quicker which was nice. The walk back was quiet, the three of them just taking in the dark surroundings of Route 202, Sandgem Town, and Route 201 before they arrived back home in Twinleaf Town.

Kyra checked her phone, 3:27 am. Too early. Far too early. She would kill to be back in Kalos now, snuggled up with Malva, but she didn't have that. Twinleaf Town was nice and all, and she loved the feeling of being back home, but she was missing Malva and the rest of Kalos like mad.

"I'll see you guys later. I'll come to the lab this afternoon with Cynthia," Kyra said before the three split up for the night.

"Cynthia?" Nate and Willow asked. They knew Kyra was good friends with the Sinnoh Champion, but why would Cynthia be coming to the Lab too?

Kyra nodded, "We have a lot to catch up on, that and she's treating me to ice cream. She wants to meet my Kalos pokémon too."

That made sense. Cynthia was a sucker for ice cream and would take anything she could get, Kyra sharing the same love for the cold dessert.

The three parted ways for the night, sharing one last birthday hug before the headed to their respective houses with their pokémon. Lucario had jumped onto Kyra's back and had fallen asleep, rather than walking herself, Kyra hadn't minded though since at least this way she knew Lucario wasn't wearing herself out.

Kyra reached her front door and unlocked it, not expecting Victoria to be up. To her surprise, she saw her sat on the sofa, petting Glaceon who was asleep in her lap. "Mum, what are you doing?"

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