Chapter 73 - Champion Support

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Diantha stayed with Kyra to keep her company whilst Andi made Malva as comfortable as possible. Malva would need much more attention, but it was still important Kyra was seen to too. Andi didn't mind seeing to them both, remembering what Malva had said about Kyra's nerves around new people. Even the smallest things she could do to help, Andi would be willing to do.

Lucario and Houndoom stayed with Kyra too, just so they didn't get in the way of Malva being seen to. Kyra appreciated the company she knew better, although Diantha seemed nice enough, she didn't know her yet and was still a little on edge.

"Thanks for going against Lysandre for us, it was really brave of you. Thanks for helping Malva too, she's been much happier since she met you Kyra, you've been a really great friend to her and your relationship is really sweet to see," Diantha thanked, hoping to ease Kyra's nerves.

Kyra had been half expecting herself to burst into tears upon hearing Lysandre's name, but she managed to hold them back since all she felt was numbness. "I'm glad I could be of help, I just wish I could have done more."

Diantha's eye contact met Kyra for a brief second, right away she saw that Kyra was far from happy. "It's more than just your wrist hurting, isn't it?"

Kyra nodded, "Can this stay between us and Malva?"

Diantha agreed and listened to what Kyra had to say, posing as a comfort to her.

"Up on Prism Tower, I made out that I hated Lysandre...then before Malva and I came back to you guys, he jumped. Malva told me his last words were about how he felt worthless since I didn't accept him. He's now gone because of me...I pushed him to it and it's all my fault."

Diantha understood now why Kyra and Malva had looked in so much emotional pain when they got back, anyone would be after seeing that. She couldn't begin to imagine how awful Kyra must feel, of course it wasn't her fault, but to Kyra it felt like she was responsible.

"Lysandre always spoke highly of you to me. He never mentioned you by name, but he always spoke of how much he admired his daughter, how you would always do anything you could to help anyone even if you were scared, how you close you two were. Although he never really described you, you're just what I imagined you would be. Kyra, whatever happens, please promise me you won't blame yourself for this. Deep down, Lysandre knew that you both cared for each other deeply and always have done. That's why you were so desperate to have him back, wasn't it?"

Kyra couldn't stop herself from crying, turning to Lucario and Houndoom for comfort. "I miss him. I feel so guilty. I realised too late just how much he cared. Now I can't stop thinking about when I was younger..."

"Your emotions are understandable Kyra. Granted, I have no experience in what you're going through, but I want to help you. You're a great trainer, the bond you have with your Lucario and with Malva's Houndoom is amazing. I really do admire you for what you did today, I know I certianly couldn't have gone against someone so close to me as you did," Diantha comforted, making sure Kyra knew she was there for her.

Kyra gave a saddened smile, "At least I do still have Malva and Houndoom."

The two continued to talk whilst they waited for Andi to properly come and see to Kyra's wrist. Rather than continue talking about Lysandre, Diantha talked about her acting carrer with Gardevoir. Kyra loved hearing about it, making a note on her phone about the movies she found the most interesting to hear about, knowing that it would give her and Victoria something to do together.

"Diantha, can I ask what made you decide to become the Champion of Kalos?" Kyra asked, giving herself a distraction from the pain of her wrist whilst Andi saw to it.

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