Chapter 1 - Bonjour Kalos Region

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The two and half months past very quickly for the three friends. It was nice to have spent so much time at home and having had the chance to go to Professor Rowan's Lab over in Sandgem Town whenever they felt like it, but it was definitely time for a new adventure to begin. Kyra was by far the most excited for the trip to Kalos, her call with Professor Sycamore had helped calm her nerves and also get a little bit more insight into the wonder that was the Kalos Region.

As the plane began to make its decent towards the runway, the trio looked out to see the skyline that was Lumiose City. A clearly busy and bustling city, a tower looming over the already quite tall skyscrapers laying out the city's streets.

"It's so beautiful, Professor Rowan really wasn't kidding," Nate commented.

"It is that, I can't wait to explore once we've got our starters," Willow added.

Kyra just smiled, she was finally in Kalos. She couldn't wait for this journey to finally begin; neither could Lucario who was already growing restless in Kyra's lap with her excitement.

"Not too long now, we'll be there soon," Kyra said, stroking Lucario in between her ears to help settle her again. Lucario purred and she settled slightly, watching out of the window as more of Lumiose City came into view.

Professor Rowan had told them to go to Professor Sycamore's Lab once they were off the plane. Kyra knew roughly where to go from what Professor Sycamore had told her, and she spent a couple of minutes running through the route in her head.

"Someone's deep in thought," Willow laughed.

"Well sorry for trying to make sure we don't get lost. Professor Sycamore told me how to get to his Lab on that call a couple of weeks ago. Since Lumiose City is one of the largest, if not the largest, city we've been to, he felt it best at least one of us knew where we're going," Kyra laughed back, certain that she knew where to go now.

Nate was glad to see Kyra back in a good mood after how stressed she had been at the end of their Unova trip, although Kyra didn't want to admit it however, she was still nervous about going back to travelling. "So no exploring then?"

"Not yet, we can explore when we pass back through here later on. Although there's a Gym here, Professor Sycamore advises against going there first since the leader is pretty strong," Kyra explained.

Willow was slightly disheartened at not being able to look around Lumiose City's numerous boutiques yet, but as Kyra had said, there would be plenty of time for that later on.

The plane soon landed and the group headed out onto the streets. Lucario had put Kyra's backpack on once more, she quite liked carrying it, it made her feel even more useful to Kyra than she already felt. Kyra thanked her and she got her phone out from her pocket to let Victoria know they were safely in Kalos.

"I thought you said you knew where you were going," Willow sighed, laughing slightly.

Kyra laughed and rolled her eyes, "I do, I was just messaging Mum to say we got here safely. Now come on, we've got starter pokémon to meet."

Lumiose City, although busy, was so large that it didn't overwhelm Kyra. She was beyond relieved, her anxiety around crowds could at least stay hidden for now.

Professor Sycamore's Lab wasn't too far from the airport, and it was luckily quite easy to find. It was practically opposite the pokémon centre on South Boulevard, an easy enough location to remember.

As the trio and Lucario walked in, they became mesmerised by the interior. The lobby was lined either side with bookshelves filled with more than enough books to count as a library. Kyra noticed one of the shelves was dedicated solely to Mega Evolution, something she was most certainly interested in finding out more about.

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