Chapter 82 - Flooded with Hope

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"Welcome, this is the Flood Chamber, your next challenge before you battle Diantha, you're already half way there, let's see if you can keep up your streak, Kyra," Siebold welcomed, glad that Kyra had managed to get to battle him.

Kyra was already much more looking forward to this battle than the last two. She saw Siebold as a good friend now from his help over the past few days, this would be a much more enjoyable battle. "You already think I'll get to Diantha? Giving up already?"

"Oh I'm not giving up, I just see your strength. Although I must ask you a question, Do you consider battling an art, feel free to justify your answer?" Siebold replied, posing the question he always did to challengers. He would have asked Kyra sooner, but at the same time, he was all the more curious to hear her answer now that he had gotten to know her a bit better.

"I believe that battling is an art, it sets every trainer apart, allowing us to show our own potential in our own way. All trainers see their pokémon differently, and use them in different ways, but we all eventually find our strengths. That's the beautiful thing about the bond between trainer and pokémon, there are so many ways it can be brought out and utilised," Kyra justified. She felt quite strongly about the connection between a trainer and their pokémon.

Siebold smiled, most pleased by Kyra's response, "Malva was right about you. You see, I ask that question to every trainer who challenges me. If they answer yes, then they clearly have a strong bond with their pokémon, they want what is best for them and strive to help achieve that. If they say no, then it shows they don't try to bring out the potential of their pokémon, they're more just battling for the sake of it than out of enjoyment. An art is something that is defined by how you work to be the best you can, in your own right. Most of the time, I get a simple yes or no, but when a challenger justifies their opinion, then I get really into my battle. Let's see if you battle as well as you talk, I wan't to see that desire in you truly come out. Come on out Clawitzer."

Clawitzer, perhaps one of Siebold's most dangerous pokémon. With its ability, Mega Launcher, Kyra had to be weary of any attack Siebold called for.

"You're up Heliolisk, let's show them what we can do," Kyra replied, she had planned to use mainly Heliolisk, Lucario, Gallade and Absol for this battle, but she would have to wait and see what Siebold tried first. Meowstic was in the back if need be.

"Typical leading with an Electric Type, I wasn't expecting you to be that predictable. Clawitzer take advantage of your ability and use Aura Sphere!" Siebold called, piling on the pressure. This would really test whether what Malva had said about Kyra's knack for abilities was up to scratch.

Clawitzer began charging up the familiar blue sphere that Kyra had come to know to be powerful. This was the first time she had seen it not used by a Lucario, or an Aura Guardian, so it came as a surprise to see it. But she had to get over that surprise pretty quickly, being part Normal type, Heliolisk would take a lot of damage if it hit. Since Aura Sphere was practically a guaranteed hit, she had to block it, and fast. 

"Counter with Electro Ball!" Kyra replied, she knew that Clawitzer's ability was Mega Launcher, it made all Aura and Pulse moves stronger.

Heliolisk focused herself and she summoned the yellow ball of electricity at her tail. Having trained against Lucario's Aura Sphere just in case Clawitzer knew Aura Sphere had been a smart decision indeed. She slung her tail once her attack was powered up, launching her attack into the oncoming Aura Sphere.

The two attacks collided, cancelling each other out. A small cloud of smoke erupted from the collision, Kyra surprised to see Siebold holding an inhaler when it cleared. 

"Yes I know, a chef and Elite Four member with asthma. I love my jobs, but can get taken by surprise by sudden collision explosions like that...and flour, it's a literal demon," Siebold explained after taking his inhaler.

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