Chapter 49 - Guilt Tripped

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Kyra and Lucario headed to the Sundial since it was quiet and gave Kyra chance to let out her emotions in a safe place.

"I shouldn't have said that about him, I didn't mean it. I was just annoyed. He's right, my temper is just the same as his," Kyra cried, feeling guilty for having said what she had done about Lysandre.

Lucario hugged Kyra and comforted her, "I know you still care about him, and deep down he knows that too. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. What matters is that you know you didn't mean what you said."

Kyra nodded, "Thanks. I came from nowhere."

"I know, and that proves you didn't mean it. It was your aura protecting you. What Olympia said upset you, needless to say it upset me so I can't begin to think how it must have affected you. Insinuating that you should side with Lysandre just because you're his daughter was wrong of her," Lucario agreed, making Kyra feel as if her sudden temper was more reasonable of a reaction.

Kyra forced herself a smile, "Yeah, I guess she was the one to bring it about. Thanks, for being here for me."

Lucario was about to nuzzle Kyra's cheek as a further comfort, but she sensed someone who she knew Kyra would be unhappy about. She growled, telling this unwanted company to back off.

"You told Lucario about our last meeting then?" Alain asked, somewhat amused by Lucario's aggression.

The small moment of happiness quickly faded out and turned to fear and anger. "No good comes from your company Alain. I'm already in a bad enough mood, I don't want to deal with you right now."

Alain laughed, "You do remind me of Malva."

"I hear that a lot, whereas I don't hear anyone saying I'm like you. Now you see an example of a good verses a bad role model," Kyra replied, she could feel her aura growing agitated and didn't want to risk it lashing out.

Alain was surprised by Kyra's comebacks, she really wasn't in a good mood. "So you do see something in Malva?"

Kyra nodded, "Why, are you jealous?"

"A little. It's not really what you see everyday," Alain replied.

Kyra sighed, "That could mean multiple different things Alain. The fact we're both female, the fact a nobody like me sees so much in an Elite Four Member, the fact anything between us is technically illegal since I'm not eighteen yet...I could keep going. Just get to the point of why you're here and stop bothering me."

Alain fell quiet for a moment, he didn't quite know what to say. "I was more commenting on the fact it's rare to see Malva having connected with someone, but what you said is also true. I just want a battle, there's no need for this arguing."

Say yes, you know you want to. Malva lost to him, so put him in his place for her. If he still doesn't get the message that you're not interested in him, let me have a go at getting the point across.

Kyra took her aura's advice, it would be nice to let out her anger on someone who was so clearly asking for it. "Fine then, I can hardly say no this time. Lucario, you ready to go."

Lucario and Charizard were more than ready to face each other. Although Charizard had the Type Advantage, Kyra had an idea as to how to deal with Charizard's tactics. Malva had given her some advice and she was willing to listen to it and take it on board.

The two trainers Mega Evolved their partners, it surprised Kyra to see just how much Charizard had changed. She knew that pokémon changed upon Mega Evolution, but this was certainly the biggest change she had seen thus far.

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