Chapter 77 - Comfort Snuggles

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After having lunch and taking in the view some more, they decided to head up to the League. Malva intended to just stay in her room for a bit so as to be away from Wikstrom and Drasna's comments and so that she could actually get some rest. Kyra had taken up Malva's offer and wanted to stay with her, although first she wanted to make some PokéPuffs with Siebold, or at least ask for his advice.

Nate and Willow had gotten on well with Wikstrom and Drasna as they were a much more traditional pair than Kyra and Malva were. Siebold and Diantha, not to Kyra's surprise, had kept their distance, wanting her and Malva there to back them up.

Diantha's Gardevoir had been sensing for Kyra and Malva so Diantha could go and let them in, Diantha was welcoming and glad to see them.

"Hey, I'm glad you two are back safely," Diantha greeted.

Malva smiled, "We're glad to be back. Everything will be fine now, I just need to take it easy, so I'll use the seat in my chamber whilst I'm waiting for challengers for the foreseeable future."

"Woah, Malva making a sensible decision, that's unheard of," Siebold joked.

Malva playfully punched him, "Oh shush. Anyway, I'm going to lie down for a bit because that walk back took it out of me. Kyra, you know roughly where to find me once you're finished with Siebold."

Kyra nodded, getting over her nerves since she did at least know Siebold a little. "Yeah, I'll come and find you in a sec.

"Finished with me?" Siebold asked curiously as Malva went to her room.

Kyra smiled, "I wanted to know if you had any advice on making PokéPuffs. My first batch were alright, but I want to make them even better, and as a chef, I hoped you could give me some pointers."

Siebold chuckled, "That's the one thing I can't cook, or in this case bake. The only advice I can really give is focus on the pokémon's nature. Take Malva's Houndoom for example, she has a Rash nature so doesn't like Bitter flavours like most Dark Type pokémon."

Kyra took note of what Siebold had said, "Thanks, it's a bit like my sensory issues with textures and flavours. Pokémon have the same thing, this makes it a lot easier to work out flavours for PokéPuffs."

"I'm glad I could be of help. With your sensory issues with textures, feel free to let me know in advance and I can make sure it's suitable for you. The last thing I want is one of my friends being uncomfortable," Siebold replied.

Kyra was beyond appreciative, she and Siebold would certainly get along. "Thanks again, it means a lot. Also, you consider us friends?"

Siebold nodded, "You're there for Malva, and for that I know you're a good person. Malva barely stops talking about you, and it's like I know you so well already. I hope we can get to know each other better."

Kyra thanked him, heading off to rejoin Malva. She would have gone to talk to Nate and Willow, but they were deep in conversation with Wikstrom and Drasna, and she didn't want to get herself involved in it.

Diantha had overheard Kyra and Siebold's conversation, it pleased her seeing how much if a good influence Kyra had on both Malva and Siebold. "Kyra sure is something, wouldn't you agree?"

Siebold nodded, "That she is. I'm glad Malva found her."

"I've been watching her, hearing from the Gym Leaders how she battles and all...I think we could very well be looking at our next Elite Four Member...if she'd be up for it of course," Diantha replied, posing her suggestion.

Siebold brightened up right away, "That'd be great. Kyra would be a big help to all of us, she can understand pokémon, and she has a real nack for training. She even connected to Blastoise, and you know how cold he can be."

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