Chapter 78 - Dragon Marks the Start

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Malva was startled awake by a knock on the door. It came as quite the surprise since she had expected to have been woken up by her alarm, but that wasn't the case.

"Yeah?" Malva asked, staying quieter so she didn't risk waking Kyra up who was sleeping peacefully beside her.

Diantha walked in, looking rather concerned, "Are you two alright? It's midday and we haven't heard either of you."

Malva was surprised to see it really was midday, no wonder she was on the hungry side. "We're fine, Kyra just had a nightmare last night."

Diantha smiled, "At least you're both alright, you had us worried. Do you want to wake her? Nate and Willow have already had their battles, they lost to Wikstrom and Siebold respectively."

Malva looked down at Kyra, "She's so peaceful though, I don't want to ruin that."

Diantha saw the sweet side of Malva wanting to let Kyra sleep, but at the same time she was getting restless for a battle. From what she had seen of Kyra, she was sure she was going to get the chance to battle her.

Kyra was surprised to be woken up by Diantha, but that was very quickly explained. They quickly had lunch so that they had energy, then Kyra went to complete her Kalos Elite Four challenge

"Welcome to my Dragonmark Chamber, here is your first test to see if you are strong enough to challenge the Champion. So far everyone has passed this test, so let's see if you can keep the streak alive. You're up Dragalge," Drasna said, welcoming Kyra and sending out her first pokémon.

"Alright Meowstic, let's get this battle started," Kyra replied, sending out Mewostic, Dragalge was a Dragon and Poison Type, so Meowstic had the advantage.

"As the challenger, you get the first move," Drasna said.

"Fine by me, Meowstic use Psyshock."

Meowstic sent her attack towards Dragalge, and landed a direct hit.

"Not bad. Dragalge, use Thunderbolt," Drasna said, her Dragalge sent the attack at Meowstic.

"Dodge and use Future Sight," Kyra replied.

Meowstic jumped back to avoid Thunderbolt, and prepared Future Sight.

"Use Dragon Pulse whilst Meowstic is vulnerable," Drasna said.

Dragalge sent the attack at Meowstic, this time landing a direct hit, sending her skidding across the field before Future Sight could be set up.

"Are you alright Meowstic?" Kyra asked, Meowstic nodded, "Good, use Psychic."

Meowstic threw Dragalge across the field, knocking it out.

"You battled well Dragalge, return," Drasna said.

One down, four to go. I don't think Meowstic can take another hit, that Dragon Pulse was powerful, but I don't have another switch I can safely do Kyra thought.

"Time for my next Dragon, come on out Altaria," Drasna said.

Altaria was the one Kyra saw as the least threatening, she was glad it wasn't Druddigon or Noivern. "Meowstic return. Come on out Heliolisk," Kyra replied, switching Meowstic for Heliolisk.

"A wise move normally, but my Altaria has a special counter for Electric Types. Use Earthquake!" Drasna said.

This was bad, Earthquake was would be super effective, if it hit, it would probably knock out Heliolisk. That's when Kyra thought of a plan. "Heliolisk, use your tail to get in the air." Kyra said.

Heliolisk used her tail to propel herself into the air, avoiding Altaria's attack.

"Impressive, a Heliolik's tail sure is powerful," Drasna replied, praising Kyra's thinking.

"That isn't all I've got planned."

"Oh, in that case, let's stop you. Altaria, use Dragon Pulse." Drasna replied.

"Heliolisk, Rock Tomb to get Altaria to the ground," Kyra said, hoping her plan would work.

Heliolisk managed to take Altaria down to the ground, but not before she was hit with Dragon Pulse.

"Use Parabolic Charge," Kyra added, now that Altaria wasn't in the air, it was easy for Heliolisk to attack.

Heliolisk drained the remainder of Altaria's strength, replenishing her own, knocking Altaria out.

"Return Altaria, you did your best. An interesting strategy, making sure that Altaria couldn't attack, and then healing yourself. I can see why Malva likes you. Time for my next pokémon, come on out Druddigon," Drasna said, sending out Druddigon.

"Feel up to taking Druddigon on?" Kyra asked Heliolisk, she nodded.

"Druddigon, use Retaliate." Drasna said.

"Heliolisk, dodge it." Kyra warned, but Druddigon was too fast, it managed to knock Helioslisk into the wall, knocking her out.

"Return, thanks so much Heliolisk, you were amazing." Kyra thanked, returning Heliolisk to her pokéball.

She looked over to Lucario, who jumped in front of Druddigon.

"Using Lucario already?" Drasna asked.

"I never make a decision without thinking it through first. Lucario, use Dragon Pulse," Kyra replied, she knew that Druddigon probably knew Revenge, which was a risky move for Lucario, she had to finish it quickly.

Lucario landed a direct hit, dealing a significant ammount of damage.

"Using Dragon Type moves on a Dragon Type, good call. Druddigon, use Revenge," Drasna said.

Kyra was right, she had to make sure Lucario wasn't hit by this attack, "Jump over Druddigon, then use Dragon Pulse."

Lucario nodded, she trusted Kyra.

Lucario jumped over Druddigon, avoiding its attack, then she flipped and used Dragon Pulse, knocking out Druddigon.

That's the big threat out of the way, only Noivern and Ampharos left Kyra thought.

"Return Druddigon, thank you. Come on out Noivern," Drasna said, sending out her penultimate pokémon

AN ~ Yes, I am aware the battle between Drasna and Kyra so far is by no means up to my normal standards, and that's because I accidently deleted the chapter because I mis clicked and had to write it again. I had the original draft of the battle, so I felt it better to provide you with that rather than just skipping the chapter. The quality will massively go up when I get to the editing stage, but I am NOT re-editing the chapter right now after already having spent over an hour and a half on it already.

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