Chapter 47 - Deep Snow

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Not long after Malva had left, the group decided to head on towards Anistar City through Route 17. Lucario could see Kyra was a little nervous when they saw how deep the snow was. There must have been a fierce snowstorm last night for this much snow to have fallen, there was no way they'd be able to walk through it.

"Any ideas?" Nate asked, clearly a little disappointed that they wouldn't be able to get to Anistar City.

Willow was stumped, but Kyra had an idea. She didn't like her idea, but it was an idea none the less.

"We could see if those Mamoswine would be happy to help us. One of them is the one I helped yesterday, so maybe she'll do us a favour in return," Kyra suggested, heading over to the two Mamoswine and their trainer.

The trainer was glad to see Kyra and Lucario and walked over, the Mamoswine from before almost knocking Kyra over in her excitement to see her.

Kyra laughed, "Aww, you're glad to see me. I'm glad to see you too Mamoswine."

"Are you alright after the Frost Cavern? Word has it that it turned nasty in there," Mamoswine asked.

Lucario explained what had happened so the trainer didn't get suspicious of Kyra being able to understand pokémon, plus it gave Kyra chance to ask the trainer if he knew how to get over to Anistar City.

"These two Mamoswine are always happy to help anyone headed in that direction. If any of you have a Flying Type to help guide the way, it'll mean you'll get across quicker and you won't have to have one Mamoswine come back since they can only really carry a person and pokémon at a time at the moment. They may be big, but they're still only young so can't carry too much yet," the trainer explained.

Since Nate had Aerodactyl, he agreed to fly overhead whilst Kyra and Willow rode on Mamoswine. Lucario and Mawile were just as looking forward to the ride as their trainers were.

Lucario gave Willow and Mawile a boost up onto their Mamoswine before helping Kyra up so she could help her up. The Mamoswine were patient and had led down to make it easier to get on.

Kyra was surprised by how tall she felt up on the Mamoswine, it felt great. She had always wanted to know what I was like to ride on a Mamoswine, and now she finally got the chance to. Mamoswine's fur was soft and surprisingly warm for an Ice Type.

"A Mamoswine was one of the first pokémon you managed to feed wasn't it? It must be nice to be around one again," Willow questioned, glad to see Kyra so happy.

Kyra nodded, "Yeah, it's really nostalgic. I know it was only a year or so ago, but it was a really big step. To be honest I was thinking of using a Mamoswine as I travelled through Sinnoh, but with the amount of Ground Types I was using already, and the fact Eevee wanted to evolve into a Glaceon, it would have clashed too much with my team. Maybe I'll get to use on in the future, we'll have to see."

Willow was so proud of Kyra for having come along as she had done, a year ago, Kyra wouldn't have even considered going on a journey. Now she was travelling with pokémon and working alongside them everyday, not to mention she wasn't getting too panicky around Nate's Heracross. She mentioned it to Kyra, but Kyra's response wasn't what she was expecting.

"Hmm, I suppose I have come a long way. As for Heracross, I wouldn't be able to cope of it weren't for Lucario using her aura to calm me down whenever I saw him. She can block out my ability to hear pokémon, sense their aura, and convince me I'm in a much more relaxed place...if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be able to be anywhere near Heracross. As far as I'm concerned, I'm at Lake Acuity with Lucario and Glaceon and it helps to calm me down," Kyra replied.

Willow smiled, "It's sweet that Lucario does that for you, and being at Lake Acuity with her and Glaceon too. You really miss travelling with Glaceon, don't you?"

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