Chapter 45 - Comfort

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Malva helped Kyra through the sofa in front of the fireplace, Kyra was still on the cold side, uncomfortably so. The blankets were a comfort and brought Kyra some more warmth, the fire Houndoom had light helping out further.

"Nate and Willow are sorting you something out to eat and drink, you'll be warm again in no time," Malva comforted, noticing just how much Kyra was shivering as she hugged her.

Kyra looked up, "This'll sound weird, but can you feed me please? My arms are the coldest bit of me at the moment, and I want to warm them as soon as possible."

Malva nodded, "Of course, I'm happy to do what works best for you Kyra. I was going to offer myself, but you beat me to it."

Lucario and Houndoom led down together, watching their trainers being cuddly with one another. The two copied themselves in their own way, Houndoom moving to rest her head in Lucario's lap. Malva noticed and smiled, subtly pointing it out to Kyra. The two were pleased to see their partners getting along so well.

Nate and Willow came through not long after with the food and hot chocolate. Kyra appreciated the gesture, and although she wasn't a massive drinker of hot chocolate unless it had been made by Victoria, she could cope with Willow's and wanted it for the warmth.

"Is there anything else you need Kyra?" Nate asked.

Kyra said everything was fine, she was happy to stay on the sofa with Malva for the night, and since the pokémon would need food, Malva could just feed all the pokémon at the same time. Nate and Willow could see that Kyra and Malva wanted some alone time, something they were happy to give them since worrying about Kyra all day had certianly been draining.

Since Kyra wasn't overly hungry, she and Malva shared the meal. Malva had been reluctant to accept at first, but as Kyra had said, Nate was always one to cook much more than necessary. It pleased Malva to see that Kyra was beginning to recover slightly as she warmed up, occasionally sipping away at her hot chocolate between mouthfuls of food.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was that dome thing you had around you before the snow fell? I never seen anything like it before," Malva asked, she couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

Kyra finished her last mouthful before talking, she wasn't surprised to have heard the question. "This'll stay between us, right?"

Malva nodded.

"Lucario and I are most likely descendants of Aura Gaurdians. It started first when Lucario learnt how to use Aura Sphere back in Sinnoh, and since then, I've been periodically using my aura and over time we've learnt how to work together more. We're still not perfect, but I managed to keep that shield up for a good hour and a half to two hours or so. Just be glad you got there when you did, I may not have gotten away so lucky if it weren't for you," Kyra explained.

Malva listened, surprised by what Kyra had said. If Lysandre ever found out, there was a chance he could use that against Kyra. "Could Lysandre know in any way?"

Kyra fell quiet, "I don't know. To be honest, I don't know much about how Aura is passed down. No one in my family, that I know of, can use Aura...but someone must do somewhere because I couldn't have learnt as quickly as I had done just from Lucario. If he does know, well it probably wouldn't end well. Not after that argument I had with him just now."

Malva questioned what the argument had been about and Kyra told her, getting upset again.

"Your reaction was understandable Kyra, you haven't exactly had the best reunion with him. I know it doesn't seem like it, but Lysandre really does regret having left you after promising he wouldn't. He's really motivated by his temper, much like you are in a way, he really wants you back but when it seems like you don't accept him, he gets defensive. He'd kill me if he finds out I told you, so this'll stay between us," Malva explained, having heard both sides of the story from Kyra and Lysandre made her see just how much of a pickle they were both in.

Both desperately wanted the other back, but both at the same time felt the other didn't want that. Kyra wanted her father back but without the evil Team Flare goals. Lysandre wanted his daughter back and to make everything back up to her, but their clashing tempers made that seem like an impossibility.

Malva wanted to do whatever she could to help Kyra and Lysandre get back in each other's good books. She cared for Kyra and saw so much potential between them for a great relationship, she wanted the best for her, whatever that meant doing. Likewise she cared for Lysandre, but as a friend, she owed a lot to him and wouldn't be the person she was no without his help.

Kyra laughed to herself, "It's kind of ironic. There was this song that came out not too long after Lysandre left, it's called Coming Home by Arc North (a.n. it is a very good song, I highly recommend giving it a listen) and it always reminded me of him. Whenever I felt really scared or alone, he'd sing to me if it was just us in the house since he was a little self-conscious about it, but the lead singer sounded just like him. I know it was just a lucky coincidence, but part of me still believes it was his last goodbye to me. If I'm having a bad day, I'll always listen to it and it gives me motivation to keep going, I know Lysandre will come round to his senses eventually, it's just a matter of figuring out when."

Malva found it so sweet that Kyra had been moved by a song as she had done, she was glad to have finally met someone who had a similar response to music. The two continued to talk, figuring out they both shared a similar music taste and for the same reasons, there was just something about the music - neither one could describe it, it just gave them such a good feeling which they didn't find in too much else.

Since Kyra had warmed up a bit now, she got her phone out and made a collaborative playlist with Malva. Malva had some song that Kyra had never heard before, but the instant happy feels and that comforting feeling of scratching an itch she never knew she had and the music hit her made it instantly onto the list. 

Malva was pleased to see Kyra so happy, not to mention the playlist was a welcomed addition. She sometimes struggled to sleep if she didn't have some sort of music on in the background, and this would help with that. But when she was with Kyra, she managed to sleep without difficulty, that night in the hotel had been the quickest she had ever gotten off to sleep.

The two stayed up for a little longer, Kyra eventually getting some sleep whilst snuggled up close. Malva once more stayed awake until she knew Kyra was sleeping peacefully, getting a very comfortable sleep when she soon settled down herself.

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