Chapter 8 - Rivaling Flames

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Kyra could guess that Malva was a Fire Type Specialist, and a strong one at that. Considering how strong a bond she and Houndoom shared, she wouldn't be surprised if Malva were an Elite Four Member.

Delphox verses Braixen, an battle of the evolutions. Both Kyra and Malva were looking forward to the battle ahead, even if it wasn't their partners batting alongside them, there would eventually be a time for that. For now, Malva wanted to see just how Kyra battle under pressure.

"I'll let you and Braixen have the first move," Malva said, normally she liked making the first move, but she didn't mind waiting this time.

A Fire and Psychic Type wasn't the best opponent for Kyra and Braixen to see, the only move that wouldn't deal resisted damage was Scratch. Ember and Psybeam wouldn't be all that helpful, so Braixen's only real shot was Tail Whip and Scratch. Before making her call, Kyra thought back to what she had seen Houndoom using before, it didn't seem that Malva was a big user of stat changing moves, maybe revealing Tail Whip too soon would prove to be a mistake.

"Fine by us. Braixen, use Scratch," Kyra replied, finally making her decision.

Braixen nodded and she ran across the field towards Malva's Delphox. She wasn't fazed by her much taller and stronger opponent, she had full trust in Kyra.

"Delphox, use Psyshock," Malva said, she didn't want Braixen getting in too close just in case Kyra had a trick or two up her sleeve, she certainly seemed like the trainer to do such a thing.

Delphox summoned stones up from the field with her wand, a purple energy surrounded them and she waved them towards Braxien, stopping her from getting in too close.

"Dodge those Braixen," Kyra replied, she remembered that Psyshock could be a big threat from how successful it had been on Gothy back in Unova.

Braixen jumped back and used Scratch to hit away a couple of rogue Psyshocks.

The two pokémon and trainers made eye contact. Malva could see how much Kyra and Braixen were enjoying the battle already. It was something she loved to see, a pasionate trainer like Kyra, she was liking Kyra even more.

"That was a nice way of dealing with Psyshock. Your Braixen reminds me of Delphox in a way, they're both so determined and love to battle," Malva complimented, waiting to see what Delphox would want to do next.

Delphox still kept her wand out, although this time the tip ignited and she began to twirl it. Malva had learnt that this was Delphox's way of wanting to use Mystical Fire and she made the call.

A circle of flames formed in front of Delphox, attracting Kyra and Braixen's attention towards it. Neither one had seen Mystical Fire before, they had no idea what to expect. Once Delphox was ready, she sent a burst of flames from her mouth, taking the power from the flame circle with it.

"Alright Braixen, defend yourself with Psybeam!" Kyra called, hoping she wasn't making a mistake.

Braixen used her stick in her tail and sent her Psybeam towards Delphox's Mystical Fire. She focused as much power as she could into the attack, she had to do everything she could to block Mystical Fire.

The two attacks met at the centre of the field. Malva was surprised by Psybeam's strength, it took a lot to counter Delphox's Mystical Fire. But now she and Delphox had an opening. Delphox was surprisingly quick for her species, Malva knew just how to use that to her advantage.

"Now use Shadow Ball!" Malva called.

Delphox jumped to the side, letting Psybeam over power Mystical Fire once she was out of the way. A dark purple orb formed at the tip of her wand and she once again sent the attack towards Braixen.

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