Chapter 65 - Something Amiss

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Kyra woke her pokémon up early the morning after training. She couldn't wait to get to the League to challenge them. But at the same time, something this morning seemed wrong. She knew she was probably just being paranoid, but something just didn't feel right.

They went over to the river before eating breakfast, Kyra splashing some of the  water into her face to wake her up a bit. It wasn't abnormal for Kyra to feel like something was wrong in one way or another, but today she felt even more strange than normal.

As they ate breakfast, Kyra's pokémon noticed there was something wrong. Kyra hadn't eaten anything, rather she had just made sure her pokémon had eaten.

"You should eat too, you don't want to be hungry all day," Delphox said, speaking up for Kyra's sake.

Kyra shook her head, "Something's wrong, I can feel it. I know something will go wrong today."

"Maybe eating something will calm your nerves?" Absol suggested.

Kyra sighed, getting out her Holo Caster and going to call Lysandre. Part of her was sure he was part of her nerves, but at the same time, she wanted to give Lysandre one last chance before she went back home.

But she couldn't bring herself to call him.

"Why am I like this? It's pathetic," Kyra groaned, resting her head on her knees.

Lucario snuggled up to Kyra, "If you want to call him, you can. He's still your father."

Kyra fought back tears, "I just want to give him another chance. I keep ruining everything between us."

"Hey may seem evil by running Team Flare, but deep down he'll still care for you Kyra," Gallade reassured.

Heliolisk and Meowstic agreed, encouraging Kyra to call Lysandre.

Kyra knew it would do her some good to give Lysandre that extra chance, so she pushed her worries aside and called him.

Meanwhile, Lysandre was in a very similar position. He wanted to call Kyra and talk to her, but he knew that after what he had just done, she wouldn't want to listen. It was too late to go back now.

To Lysandre's surpirse, he received the call from Kyra, he didn't want to get his hopes up but answered anyway, knowing it was best to talk things through with her.

"Kyra? I wasn't expecting you to call. How are you, your leg isn't too bad is it?" Lysandre asked, wanting to get the first word in to try and convince Kyra that he cared.

Kyra composed herself before speaking, "I'm fine, just really in need of some sort of comfort. I feel like something is going to happen...I don't want to disturb Mum, so I thought I'd call you."

"Well I appreciate that you know I'm here. As for you thinking something is wrong..." Lysandre started before noticing Kyra was distracted by something.

Kyra had heard Yveltal calling out to her as if he were in trouble, he was in some sort of distress and Kyra quickly jumped to conclusions. "What did you do to Yveltal?!"

"I was just about to say that the Scientists are going through with their plan to restart this world. I tried to stop them, but I have no power over them now, not now I've let my guard down."

Kyra sighed, "And I take it you're going to be blaming me for that?"

"Of course not! This is solely my fault," Lysandre replied.

"Oh spare me the guilt trip," Kyra groaned, "I take it you need my help in stopping them?"

Lysandre felt awful about what he had to do, but it was the only way he could keep Kyra safe, he had to betray her lacking trust once more. "I do."

"I'll be in Lumiose City soon, I'll have Gallade teleport me there," Kyra sighed, giving in and going against her best judgement to help Lysandre.

Lysandre didn't get chance to thank Kyra before she hung up. Now he felt even more guilty about what he had to do. With Kyra's aura, he'd be able to stop the Scientists, but he couldn't let the Scientists know that Kyra was willingly helping him, otherwise they'd do more harm than what little he'd potentially do.

Kyra returned her pokémon to their pokéballs, all apart from Gallade and Lucario. She was worried she was running straight into a trap, but Lysandre did seem genuine that he needed her help.

Before having Gallade use Teleport however, Kyra messaged Nate and Willow to say there was a change of plan. The feeling of something bad happening was even stronger now, so she asked them to warn the League, just in case this was a trap.

Gallade was happy to use Teleport to get to Lumiose City and he took Kyra and Lucario right to the entrance to Lysandre's cafe, guessing that was where he'd be. Kyra thanked him and returned him to his pokéball before heading inside with Lucario.

Lysandre was waiting inside, Kyra could see he was worried and she went over to sit opposite him. Lucario was weary about Pyroar, and Pyroar was likely weary about Lucario, but they settled down once they saw their trainer's being relatively civil towards one another.

"How long do we have?" Kyra asked.

Lysandre couldn't be sure for certain, but there was a couple of hours at least since Kyra had been quick to get to him. "A couple of hours, maybe three at a push. Why?"

"Good, I want a battle. If I win, then you're on your own since you brought yourself into this mess. If you win, I'll help you out, do we have a deal?" Kyra replied, setting up her terms.

Lysandre agreed, he had wanted to see more of Kyra's battling style. "Fine with me. Thank you for giving me another chance."

"Just don't make me regret it like you did last time. I don't want to make you out to be the constant villain, but if you betray my trust again then I'll only ever see you as that," Kyra warned, giving Lysandre the last chance she was willing to give him.

Lysandre couldn't help but worry Kyra would misinterpret what he had to do. He knew he could defeat her in this battle, deep down he knew Kyra better than anyone, and like her, he could adapt to how his opponent battled. It would be difficult for Kyra to overcome someone who battled in the same way as she did and Lysandre was banking on that.

Nate and Willow had received Kyra's message and they were both worried, certian she had just been caught in a trap she wouldn't be able to break out from. They had trained together yesterday afternoon, so they headed to the League together to warn them of what they guessed Lysandre would be doing.

To make things quicker, Nate and Willow flew on Aerodactyl rather than try and find their way through Victory Road. It didn't take too long to find the League, and they landed, to their relief seeing Malva training with her pokémon outside.

Malva was confused and concerned by seeing just Nate and Willow, worrying that something had happened to Kyra. She stopped training and walked over, praying that she wasn't about to be given bad news.

"Kyra's with Lysandre, she was worried about something going wrong and went to him since he apparently needed her help stopping it. She told us to warn you and the rest of the League," Willow explained.

Malva's blood ran cold, he worst fears becoming reality. If Kyra was with Lysandre and he did what she thought he was going to, Kyra was most certianly in a trap. But if they went to stop him, no doubt Kyra would be in even more danger.

"We'll need to evacuate Lumiose City, just to be on the safe side. The League will handle that. I just hope we're not too late to be able to help Kyra," Malva replied, trying her hardest to stay calm.

Nate and Willow questioned why they couldn't just go to Kyra straight away, and as Malva was about to reply, Diantha walked over.

"Lysandre knows what he is doing, and although to him it seems he's doing this for Kyra's sake, we can see its harmful to her. If we go to him and Kyra right away, he'll think we're trying to separate him from Kyra, and he doesn't want that since he fears losing her again," Diantha explained.

The League all agreed to help, albeit with Wikstrom and Drasna agreeing reluctantly, Nate and Willow wanted to help too, so they went to a higher vantage point with Malva whilst the rest of the League worked on getting Lumiose City evacuated. That way Malva, Nate, and Willow could call the Aura Trio to them and have their help should they need it.

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