Chapter 87 - Caffeine Shock

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Dear Kyra, 

I know I messed up big time. I am so sorry. 

No! That again sounded fake! 

Why was it so hard to just get damn words down on a page?

Lysandre scrunched up the piece of paper and tossed it over to the bin that was already well over flowing 

But just as Lysandre tossed the ball over, the door to the café opened, and instead of going into the bin, the ball instead hit the person who walked in.


What a great first impression. "Sorry, don't mind's just nonsense faff on a page," Lysandre apologised.

The trainer who had walked in was more surprised by being met with the paper than hurt by it. He didn't even really know why he had said, 'ow' to begin with, but he had.

"Mind if I just hang my jacket up?" the trainer asked.

Lysandre gestured towards the empty coat hooks, besides his own fluffy jacket that was, taking note of the long jacket being something fit for royalty. His curiosity spiked, but it wasn't really the best time to ask "oh hey, nice jacket, are you some sort of royal figure or something?" when you had just unintentionally thrown a paper ball at said person's head.

"Thanks," the trainer thanked, going to sit in the booth opposite where Lysandre was sat.

Lysandre's typical customer service mode kicked in. Yes his café was technically closed right now, but this was the first bit of company he had had in days, so he was going to take all he could get. "Can I get you a drink?" 

"I'll take an Affogato, if that's doable?" the trainer replied.

Either this guy was very fancy, or he was really some sort of royal figure. 

Lysandre went over to the counter and started making the drink. He had plenty of flavours of ice cream in the freezer, definitely not having been brought so he could binge eat and watch Netlfix whilst sulking with Pyroar. "Any preferred flavour?"

The trainer thought for a moment, maybe a change from his usual would be nice, "Chocolate might work well."

Chocolate it was. 

Lysandre also made himself an Affogato, although with mint ice cream instead of chocolate. There was something therapeutic about making the drinks, like an old part of him was coming back. He had been so caught up in Team Flare over the past months that he hadn't really had the time to just relax and make drinks, so this was a nice change. But even then, he still wasn't at peace. He felt like he could never be at peace again. 

The trainer caught onto something being amiss, he hadn't known Lysandre for long, but part of him wanted that to change. There was just something about him, something behind the tall and stern demeanor, something he wanted to learn and find more about. "What's the matter? You seem troubled."

Lysandre nodded his head over to the bin, the paper ball that had started this whole interaction now being played with by Pyroar. Could Pyroar have gotten a ball sooner? Yes. But of course, the prideful lion wouldn't ever dream of going near a bin, he was repulsed at the thought. So now that one ball hadn't touched the Arceus-forsaken bin, he could play with it just fine.

"That's a lot of paper...mind if I ask what for?" the trainer questioned.

Lysandre sighed, feeling like an awful father wasn't the easiest thing to admit, "My daughter. I ruined everything with her...I want to apologise but I don't know how to go about doing it. Writing letters isn't exactly my forte, especially not when they're apology letters."

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