Chapter 21 - Malva's Secret

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Back in Lumiose City, Malva was focusing on figuring out what Team Flare were going to be doing next. She was rather at a stand still, the past few missions hadn't made sense. Fossils followed up by something on Route 10? If Kyra hadn't thwarted the plan so quickly then maybe it'd be a bit easier to connect the dots, but even then, there wasn't any logical link that could be made.

Houndoom had been resting on Malva's bed, keeping an eye on the door as Malva had asked her to do. This wasn't an abnormal thing for Malva to ask her today, and she didn't mind keeping guard, she knew too just what was at stake.

Malva's phone beeped to say she had a message, she checked it to see it was from Kyra.

"Good news, Kyra and Lucario have mastered Mega Evolution," Malva said, knowing that Houndoom had been looking forward to battling Lucario.

Houndoom perked her head up, as Malva had expected her to be, she was excited. Malva smiled and messaged Kyra back to say she'd call her in a bit since she was busy at the moment, wanting to concentrate on figuring something out to do with what Team Flare were doing.

Another half an hour of just drawing blanks and Malva gave up, there was no sense in this. "There's no connection apart from looking at rocks! That's the only possible thing I can think of. If I ask him, he'll just get suspicious," she sighed, turning her computer off and pushing her chair back.

Houndoom jumped down from the bed and jumped into Malva's lap, looking for attention. Malva smiled and gave Houndoom the attention she was looking for. She appreciated her partner being there for her, especially when she was confused and uncertain as she was now.

Malva was about to call Kyra back when she heard a knock on her door. Houndoom jumped down and settled back down on the bed, knowing just who was at the door.

"We need to talk," Malva's boss said as she let him in.

Malva sighed, "Didn't realise you were here to talk Lysandre, I thought you were just here for a laugh."

"Still mad at me then?" Lysandre asked.

Malva shrugged, "What do you think? What do you want anyway?"

"I've apologised for what happened. I just lost my temper and I'm sorry," Lysandre apologised.

Malva turned her back, "That's not what I'm mad about. I still haven't found Talonflame! Just tell me what you want and I'll do it for you."

Lysandre sighed at Malva's coldness, "I just had Alain come and talk to me about a trainer, I was wondering if you knew anything about her. She's about your height, ginger, travels with a Lucario."

No doubt this was Kyra, she had to play very carefully now. "I met her a few days ago. She seems like a strong trainer, that Lucario of hers certainly caught Houndoom's eye."

"I have reason to believe she's the one behind stopping our last two missions. You're not helping her, are you?" Lysandre asked.

Malva shook her head, "No, of course I'm not."

"You'd better not be lying, Malva. I can easily let slip to Diantha who you really are. Or I could take Houndoom and your Mega Stones away," Lysandre reminded, earning a growl from Houndoom.

Malva felt a shiver down her spine, Lysandre's threat was one hundred percent genuine. "I know the stakes, I've got no reason to lie."

"Good, although those would be worst case scenario's for you now wouldn't they?" Lysandre asked, continuing to taunt Malva, he knew her tells and how to provoke a reaction.

Malva nodded, "You can continue to taunt me all you want. I'll tell you about it when I find out about who the mole is."

Lysandre turned to leave, "Make sure you do. I'm done messing Malva. One more push back from that girl and I'll be stepping in myself."

Malva was relieved to have wormed her way out of Lysandre's interrogation. She was safe...for now.

Houndoom calmed down once Lysandre had left and she licked Malva's hand, Malva smiled and stroked Houndoom's head, picking up her Holo Caster from her desk.

"Don't worry, I won't let him take you away from me," she reassured, calling Kyra.

Kyra was quick to pick up, Malva was glad to see her looking so happy with herself. "Mega Evolution is doing you and Lucario well then I see?"

"It's awesome, thanks for recommending it to us. Lucario is really hyped to battle Houndoom, now more than ever," Kyra replied, excited she and Lucario had mastered Mega Evolution.

Malva smiled, "Houndoom and I are just as excited. So how many Gym Badges do you have now?"

"Three, Korrina gave me one as a thank you for standing up to Gurkinn and for how Lucario and I did in our battle against him. I beat Korrina when we first met too, so it's not as if I got away without battling her," Kyra explained.

Kyra was well on her way to the Kalos League, something Malva was both looking forward to yet also dreading. She had to be careful giving Kyra intel on Team Flare from now on, especially with Lysandre watching over her so closely. If Lysandre found out the truth and told Diantha, no doubt she'd have her place in the Elite Four stripped from her.

"Everything alright? You seem upset," Kyra asked, something was definitely wrong.

Malva appreciated Kyra looking out for her, "Just had an argument with my boss from the Lumiose Press. She changed the date of my deadline so I wasn't ready, it's sorted now though. I just don't take well to being yelled at, she's got quite the temper."

Kyra believed the small lie, much to Malva's relief. If Kyra found out she was a member of Team Flare, their friendship would surely be over.

The two continued to talk for a bit, Kyra talking about her team and Malva listening. Kyra was certainly a remarkable trainer, her team choice was astounding, and from what she had seen first hand, her skills were too.

"I'll let you go and get some rest. Have fun training tomorrow, we'll catch up soon yeah? You're not too far from Lumiose City, we can meet up then if you want," Malva suggested when she noticed her Holo Caster was on low battery.

Kyra nodded, "Thanks, I was about to say much the same to you. We'll definitely meet up when I get back to Lumiose, I'll be able to show you my team in person rather than just talking about it."

Kyra hung up and Malva felt a pang of guilt about having lied straight to her face. She knew it was for Kyra's greater good, she didn't want Lysandre to hurt her, not when Kyra was the first person she had connected to like this.

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