Chapter 79 - Ancient Ace

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Noivern, Kyra was glad Drasna had saved this for the penultimate opponent. The end of the battle was in sight, and with Kyra still having the majority of her team still able to battle, she was confident the rest of this battle would go smoothly.

"Think you can beat Noivern?" Kyra asked.

Lucario nodded, "I'm just thinking back to training, we'll be fine."

"Bad choice. Noivern use Flamethrower!" Drasna called, making a call she was sure would throw a spanner into the works of Kyra's plan.

Under normal circumstances, this was bad. Flamethrower would deal a lot of damage if it hit. But what Drasna didn't realise, is that Lucario had been trained specifically in handling Flamethrower in anticipation of battling Houndoom. Having a Delphox with access to the strong attack made that training all the more easier.

"Lucario dodge it," Kyra said, setting her plan in motion.

She and Lucario had to try and convince Drasna and Noivern that Flamethrower had dealt big damage.

Noivern shot out the powerful orange flames, making sure Lucario was directly in its line of sight. She showed a lot of control over the attack, there was no denying that Noivern had been trained well.

Lucario made an attempt to do dodge the oncoming attack, but was hit, and hit hard.

"Lucario..." Kyra trailed off, putting on a tone of concern to fool Drasna further.

"What will you do next? You chose not to Mega Evolve Lucario, so you must have another plan," Drasna asked curiously, there must be some sort of reason as to why Kyra sent in her ace seemingly as switch fodder.

"Lucario isn't finished yet," Kyra replied, enjoying seeing Drasna's look of confusion, "Use Flash Cannon!"

The bright silver beam of Flash Cannon burst through the smoke cloud that had come about from Flamethrower and sped towards Noivern. Although it wasn't super effective, it dealt big damage thanks to the sheer surprise of the sudden attack.

"A Steel Type withstanding Noivern's Flamethrower, today is full of surprises, Noivern return," Drasna praised, impressed that Lucario had withstood the powerful attack.

Kyra smiled at her partner, Lucario sharing the same pleased look. "Our training is really paying off."

Drasna could see just how close Kyra and Lucario were, maybe she had been wrong to judge Kyra so harshly before. She was clearly a remarkable trainer, that couldn't be denied. "Your training certainly is paying off, but we're just going to keep racking up the pressure. Noivern, use Air Slash!"

Air Slash was perfect, Kyra and Lucario could show off their bond without even needing to Mega Evolve.

"Lucario, protect yourself with Bone Rush!"

Lucario formed her attack whilst Kyra took hold of her Staff, once more both of them splitting their weapon in two. Since being able to Mega Evolve, the two had felt even more in sync whenever they battled, and today was no different. Each one of Noivern's Air Slashes was hit away, none of them even leaving a scratch.

Noivern looked just as shock ad Drasna did, very few pokémon had it in then to wisthand Air Slash, let alone defend it so well.

Kyra knew she had the major upper hand now, this face off was as good as over. "Aura Sphere!"

Lucario formed the small blue sphere before increasing its strength. She wasn't worried about it being a resisted attack, Noivern had taken quite the hit from Flash Cannon before.

"Noivern, block it with Dragon Claw!"

A bold attempt, but not one solid enough to put a stop to Aura Sphere.

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