Chapter 18 - New Rival, New Questions

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Kyra and Lucario we up early the next morning, neither one able to get back to sleep. So they had something to be doing, Kyra messaged Korrina to ask if she was awake, coming back from getting changed to see a reply.

Yeah, I'm up. I was hoping you'd be up soon. Do you want to go for a walk, we can talk more about Mega Evolution if you want.

Kyra replied to say she'd meet Korrina down in the lobby and she and Lucario headed downstairs, Korrina and her Lucario joining them not long after. The group stopped for a quick breakfast before heading out, all being rather on the hungry side.

Korrina had the perfect place to take Kyra and Lucario, the place that she and Lucario had first used Mega Evolution themselves. This was the reason why Geosenge Town meant a lot to Korrina and Lucario, the two would spend as much time here as they could, and they were certainly glad to have done, meeting Kyra and her Lucario was fate.

"This is where I first Mega Evolved my Lucario, it's a really special place to us for that reason. Lucario and I always feel so at peace here, like nothing can ever go wrong," Korrina explained, admiring the stone circle spiking up from the ground.

There was certainly a sort of powerful energy radiating from the area, both Kyra and Lucario's aura had picked up on it. The closer they got to Mega Evolution, the more excited they got.

"Mega Evolution sounds so powerful. No wonder this place is special to you both, both me and Lucario can feel the energy radiating from it," Kyra replied, she too feeling somewhat at peace.

Korrina nodded, "It's amazing! So, how'd you find out about Mega Evolution to begin with?"

Kyra explained that she had read it in a book somewhere a few years ago, adding that Malva had got her even more curious about it.

"Malva ey? She and that Houndoom of hers are no joke. One of the few trainers who mastered Mega Evolution outside of the Tower of Mastery where most trainers work on Mega Evolution," Korrina replied, remembering the battle she had had with Malva at the Battle Chateau a while ago well, it had been a complete wipe from Malva's side, Houndoom defeating all three of Korrina's pokémon with ease.

Kyra wanted to know more, "Tower of Mastery? I think I remember Malva mentioning it."

"Mhm, that's where my Gym is. I know I said I first Mega Evolved Lucario here, but really we mastered in the Tower. My Grandfather runs the Mega Evolution training on the whole, although I wouldn't be surprised if you don't need it. The bond you and Lucario share puts mine and my Lucario's to shame, you're like one in the same," Korrina replied.

The two continued to talk for a while whilst the two Lucario played about. Kyra agreed to wait and see Lucario's Mega form when she and Lucario got the Key Stone and Lucarionite later today or tomorrow depending on how long it took to get to Shalour City.

The two were alone for long however as another trainer came over, his Charizard following behind. "A new student?" the trainer asked.

"Oh, hi Alain, sorry I didn't see you there. No, Kyra's not really a student, she's probably even better at Mega Evolution than me and my Lucario are," Korrina replied.

Kyra turned to see Alain and his Charizard, hearing Lucario growling from where she was playfully pinning Korrina's Lucario down. "That's hardly true Korrina."

"So Korrina thinks you're even better than her? How about we battle, my Mega Charizard against your Mega Lucario?" Alain suggested, not realising Kyra and Lucario didn't yet own Mega Stones.

Kyra smiled but shook her head, "No can do, sorry. We don't have the Mega Stones yet. I'd be happy to battle when we do though."

Lucario growled even louder and walked over to Kyra, baring her fangs towards Alain. Kyra knew this was abnormally aggressive, something was off about Alain. Alain's Charizard snarled back, she wasn't going to take her trainer being growled at.

"How about we just all cool off? There's no need for you two to fight," Korrina asked, trying to ease the tension between Lucario and Charizard, her own Lucario coming over to try and pull Kyra's away.

Alain just laughed, "Lucario's just eager. We'll battle when you can Mega Evolve. Speaking of, care for a look at what my Charizard can Mega Evolve into?"

I don't know what's off, but right now he does just want to show you what Mega Evolution looks like.

Kyra trusted her aura and she told Lucario much the same, Lucario kept a close eye on Alain but stopped growling.

The Key Stone Alain had was in a bracelet around his wrist. From what Kyra had seen, Key Stones were very customisable, Malva wore hers in a necklace, Korrina had hers in a glove, and now Alain with his bracelet. Charizard's Charizardite X was in a collar around her neck, reminding Kyra a little bit of the collar Houndoom wore.

The two Stones connected by a light emitting from the two Stones, Charizard being enveloped in a bright glow. Similarly to normal evolution, Charizard grew slightly bigger and changed form. When the glow faded, Charizard had completely changed colour to be blue and black.

Kyra was completely in awe, even Lucario was impressed. Mega Evolution was some feat, both of them sensing just how much stronger Alain's Charizard was.

"You see, Charizard is one of the two pokémon with two Mega Evolutions, the other being Mewtwo. This is Charizard using the Charizardite X, whilst the other is the Charizardite Y," Alain explained as his Charizard showed off with a powerful Flamethrower she sent up into the air.

Korrina nodded, "Alain's another trainer who mastered Mega Evolution outside of the Tower of Mastery."

"I owe Lysandre a lot for the help he's given me," Alain replied.

Lysandre. The name rang a bell to Kyra for some reason. She didn't know where from though.

Alain headed off shortly after, saying he and Charizard were looking forward to getting to battle Kyra and Lucario. Kyra was glad in the sense that Lucario was much calmer now, but she had so many question about this Lysandre.

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