Chapter 4 - Voila Viola

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Despite her nerves, Kyra was still determined to battle. It had been a long time since she last had a battle like this, she wanted to get back into battling sooner rather than later. Once this battle was over, the group were planning on heading back to Lumiose City. Kyra had that to look froward to and she was ready to reward herself should this battle go ahead. It was about time she began actively trying to get over her fear rather than avoiding it.

"Before we get this underway, I just wanted to compliment you in actually coming. It's takes guts to face your fears like you're doing now," Viola complimented.

Kyra appreciated the compliment, it made her stress feel that extra bit worth it. It wasn't much, but for Kyra this meant a whole lot. For braving her fears to be commended encouraged her to do so in the future too. 

Viola sent out her Vivillon whislt Kyra sent put Fennekin. Kyra had put her prior worries aside for the time being, all she was focused on now was battling in a Gym Battle again.

"Alright Fennekin, let's get this started with Ember!" Kyra called, not letting Viola get in the first move.

"Fly around and avoid that Vivillon!" Viola called in return, not realising just how much training Kyra and Fennekin had done with Ember.

Fennekin waited and focused on Vivillon's movements. Lucario had told her last night that it was important to see how her opponent moved so she'd be able to land a hit.

"Not going to attack yet? Fine by us, we'll just go first then. Use Gust!" Viola called, assuming Fennekin was merely cracking under the pressure.

Gust was a call Kyra was more than happy hearing. Vivillon would stop moving about for a couple of seconds, giving Fennekin a chance to land Ember.

Fennekin wasn't afraid of the Gust headed towards her. She was much more focused on battling Vivillon. Her Ember powered up and she sent her attack, jumping out of the way just as Gust would have hit her.

Vivillon was hit hard by Fennekin's Ember, this was the strongest Ember she had been hit with in a while from a Fennekin. Not to mention Fennekin had easily avoided the Gust sent her way, this wouldn't be an easy fight.

"Think you can keep going Vivillon?" Viola asked. Vivillon nodded and she shook herself off from the attack, but a few small flames still spiralling around her. "You're burnt. Don't worry, we'll get this over quickly. Use Psybeam!"

Kyra knew Psybeam could be a big threat if it got lucky as the burn from Ember had done. If anything, Psybeam could confuse Fennekin, and if they were unlucky, Fennekin could end up taking herself out.

"Break through that with Scratch," Kyra said, hoping that Scratch would be enough to deal with the danger that was Psybeam.

Fennekin put her trust in Kyra and jumped towards Psybeam, a Scratch at the ready. She managed to break apart the Psybeam and landed safely back on the field.

"Nice one Fennekin," Kyra praised, waiting to see what Viola would do next.

Viola knew what she had to make a call for next, otherwise Vivillon wouldn't stand much more of a chance. The attack itself wouldn't do much damage thanks to the burn halfing Vivillon's attack, but the recurring damage Fennekin would soon receive certainly would.

"Put us on a time limit with a burn, we'll put one straight back on you guys. Vivillon, use Infestation!" Viola called.

Not only would Infestation take some of Fennekin's health away each time she made an attack, it also stuck her in place right where she was. It meant she could no longer avoid attacks, whilst Vivillon had the advantage of being able to use the whole field still.

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