149 Sunday

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Andy woke up way before me and growled lowly and yawned and stretched. Andy got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and closed the bathroom door.

I rolled onto my stomach and yawned and stretched and sighed. Andy walked out of the bathroom and closed the door and walked out of his room and closed the door.

I heard Andy walking down the hallway all of the other guys woke up and walked out of their room. Andy said well hey good morning guys and everyone walked downstairs.

I heard the guys go downstairs and into the kitchen and start cooking. Everyone started being extremely loud I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I said ugh are you fucking kidding me why are you guys so god damn loud. I heard something crash downstairs I sighed. Andy yelled CC ABBY IS TRYING TO SLEEP STOP BEING SO FUCKING LOUD.

I sighed and almost started screaming I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

After I finished using the restroom I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone and walked out of the bedroom and closed my door.

I walked down the hallway and headed towards the stairs and headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

I yawned and stretched and said ughhh you guys are absolutely fuckin loud as hellll.

All of the guys said oh my bad and we all started laughing together jinxx and Jake were cooking breakfast together.

I smiled and sat down on a barstool and we all sat down while waiting for the food to be done. A little while later we all started eating breakfast together.

After we finished eating breakfast we all put the dishes up. A little while later we all jumped on the couch and watched movies.

A couple of hours later we ate lunch and dinner and hung out. Andy said let's go hang out outside I said ok. We all walked outside and hung out in the back yard.

Andy started smoking cigarettes and we all lit a bonfire and sat around it. I smiled and bit my lip and looked at Andy and felt my heart race slightly and I didn't know why.

A couple of hours later we all blew out the bonfire and headed inside. Andy locked the back door and we all headed inside.

A couple minutes later everyone used the restroom then headed upstairs. Me and Andy went into our room and put our phones up and went to bed for the night.

Me and Andy cuddled and talked about our future before we fell asleep for the night.

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