127 Tuesday

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and groaned fuckkkk and rolled over. Andy woke up and growled lowly and grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm.

I started laughing and said why did you growl he said I don't know. I said Andy you haven't shifted in a while. Andy started laughing and said I do it when you're sleeping.

I said really Andy started laughing and said yea I just don't want to wake you up. I said oh ok and I yawned and stretched Andy also yawned and stretched as well.

I said ugh its only Tuesday Andy laughed and said wow thats fucking crazy. Me and Andy started laughing together and I shook my head and yawned.

Andy got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom and closed the door I yawned really loudly. Andy walked out of the bathroom and said Jesus Christ Abby I started laughing and Andy said I thought you were dieing.

I continued laughing and said stoppp I'm going to piss on myself. Andy said go to the restroom I got up and ran over to the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy walked out of his room so he could go use a different restroom. I finished using the restroom then I brushed my hair and teeth and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked into the closet and some one smacked my ass and I yelped and jumped. Andy was laughing I said what the fuck I didn't hear you come in.

Andy laughed and said I know I'm dangerous babe I said well I fucking know that already. Me and Andy started laughing together and I shook my head.

Andy also came into his closet to look for clothes as well. After we picked out clothes we walked out of the closet and Andy closed the door and turned off the light.

Me and Andy both changed for the day and I sprayed some body spray on and put on my shoes. Andy sprayed some cologne on and also put on his shoes.

After we finished getting ready we grabbed everything we needed and walked out of his room. Andy closed his door and we walked down the hallway and headed downstairs.

Andy unlocked the front door and opened it and we both walked out together. Andy closed his door and locked it I saw a couple of people jogging down the sidewalk.

I looked at Andy and he smiled creepily I felt my skin crawl and I immediately ran down the porch. Andy said Abby you ok I said yea and walked over to my car freaking out slightly.

Me and Andy got into the car and he locked it and we buckled up. Andy said Abby are you scared princessa I said no that was just a creepy fucking smile.

Andy said sorry and turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway. I looked out the window at the people jogging while Andy drove out of the neighborhood.

I checked my notifications on my phone while Andy turned on the radio and started jamming out. A little while later we picked up Lilly and headed to school.

I kept yawning on the way to school Lilly laughed and said boo fucking sameee. We all started laughing together while Andy pulled up to the school parking lot.

A couple minutes later Andy found a parking spot and turned off the car. Andy said alright who is ready for school Lilly said Andy if you don't shut the fuck up.

We all started laughing together and I said damnnn Lilly she said I'm fucking exhausted and I hate school. Andy laughed and said I was being sarcastic Lilly said uh huh sure bitch.

We all finally got out of the car and closed our doors. Andy locked the car and we all started walking towards the school building. We all started walking up the stairs and towards the door.

Lilly opened the door and me and Andy walked into the school building and Lilly walked in after us. I smiled while walking into class Andy yawned and said fuck every one here.

Lilly said wow and we all started laughing together and I shook my head. Andy walked into class way ahead of me and Lilly.

I said ok bye babe and Andy looked at me and started laughing and shook his head. Andy walked into class and walked over to his seat. Lilly grabbed my hand and we started walking to class together.

James walked over to us and said hey guys we said hey and all walked into class together. James went to his desk and sat down Jackson was sitting in his seat.

Lilly gave me a hug and walked up the stairs and sat down in her seat. I walked over to my desk and sat down in my seat.

Andy said well good morning babe I laughed and smiled and said good morning. I said morning Jackson he smiled and said morning Abby.

A little while later the teacher locked the door and walked over to his desk and sat down. The teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal. 

After he finished taking attendance he looked at the lesson plan for today. After he finished looking at the lesson plan for today he handed everyone a worksheet.

After he handed out the worksheets he went back into his desk and sat down. The teacher started explaining the work sheets everyone started working on it.

I didn't understand what I was doing so I got up and walked over to my teacher and asked for help. After he explained it he said do you understand now I smiled and said thanks and walked away.

I sat down in my seat and continued doing my work sheet. After I finished i helped Andy and Jackson and they both said thanks. I laughed and said your welcome and I smiled widely.

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