Andy said don't worry I took care of her after I kicked her off the bed. Lilly yelled ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. Everyone jumped and looked at Lilly and she was extremely pissed off and she looked at Andy.

Lilly grabbed her stuff and quickly walked downstairs and set her stuff down. Lilly looked at Andy and said you kicked her off the bed and busted her head and lip. Andy said look I kept apologizing to her and she said she was ok.

Lilly looked offended after he said that she crossed her arms and said fuck you Andy. Mr. Styles said alright Lilly I know you are upset and so am I but don't lose your shit right now. Lilly rolled her eyes and scoffed I said oh shit Lilly its ok.

Lilly said no Abby he literally abused you Andys eyes went pitch black and he said I absofuckinglty did not abuse your best friend. I felt my heart race slightly and I looked at Lilly and Andy and felt like I was gonna cry.

I quickly looked at Jackson and he wrapped his arms around me and I leaned into his neck. Jackson whispered its gonna be ok Abby I got you I smiled and said thanks. He said of course and he kissed my shoulder I sat up and looked at Lilly and Andy.

Mr. Styles said Andy may you please move to Lillys seat. Andy said no I will not move to Lillys seat because I did not abuse Abby I would never hurt her or cheat on her. I looked at Andy confused but I also understood what he meant by that.

I said Andy just move your making a scene right now. Andy said I don't fucking care Abby I'm not moving its bullshit. Andy said I accidentally knocked your friend off the bed now I'm being accused of abusing her.

I sighed and looked down Andy said so I'm not fucking getting out of my seat. I looked up and took a deep breath and shook my head and got out of my seat and grabbed my stuff.

Andy said Abby where are you going I said I'm moving to Lillys seat since you can't shut the fuck up and do it yourself. Everyone went quiet and continued looking at us Lilly sat down in my seat and I headed upstairs and sat in her seat.

A couple minutes later class started and we all listened to the teacher and did our work. Andy looked at me and made a face and I rolled my eyes and continued working. Andy said in my head I would never hurt you I said I know trust me.

Andy said I love you so fucking much Abby I smiled and said I love you more Andy and I looked at him and he was smiling widely and he winked at me. I laughed and shook my head and continued doing my work.

A little while later everyone finished doing their school work and we all turned in the sheets. A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the school building. Me Andy and Lilly all walked into the parking lot and Andy said Lilly you are coming over with us.

Lilly said ok I said we didn't take the car she said well fuck and we all started laughing together. I said yea I know lmaooo and we all continued laughing together. Andy said follow me and me and Lilly started following behind Andy.

Lilly grabbed my hand and we continued following Andy. We got to a little secluded area and Andy said ok both of you guys give me a hug. Me and Lilly laughed and Andy wrapped his arms around me and Lilly.

Andy said both of you close your eyes me and Lilly said ok and closed our eyes. I started feeling extremely light and everything went pitch black. Andy said open your eyes and me and Lilly did and moved back.

Lilly said woah cool we are back in your dorm room I laughed and said yea and we all put our stuff down. We all quickly used the restroom then chilled on the beds and ate snacks together.

So Lilly said what the fuck happened to Abbys face I looked down and started laughing and said thanks bitch. We all started laughing together and I shook my head and sighed. Andy took a deep breath and said ok so what happened was.

Andy said I had a bad dream last night and I was growling and fighting Jason and Scout. Lilly said ok what happened in your dream that caused you to lose your shit and knock over Lilly.

Andy continued talking and said scout was trying to kill abby and me and the guys were trying to save her. I said well thats nice of you guys Andy said yea but Jason and his friends were fighting with us.

Lilly said what the fuck Andy said yea but jinxx saved her. I smiled and said good I'm glad about that and Andy said ye when Abby got saved I accidentally kicked her off the bed. Lilly said ow I said yea so thats fun Lilly laughed and said yea I know right.

Lilly stayed over for a little while later and her and Andy made up and she didn't want to kill him anymore. I turned on my alarm and plugged my phone in and layed down and fell asleep. Andy climbed into bed and fell asleep as well after he quickly shifted.

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