I quickly used the restroom then got into the shower as well. I stood behind Andy he was washing his hair I looked at his back. I never realized how visible his veins were on his back. Andy laughed and said you like my back princessa I smiled and ran his hands down his back.

I said I never realized how visible they were on your back Andy turned around and laughed and said yea. I smiled and looked at his chest and ran my hand down his chest and he bit his lip and smiled.

Andy looked at me and said well your fascinated with my veins. I laughed and said yea I am and blushed slightly I yawned and said damn it is so late. Andy laughed and said yea I know Abby you chose to have sex right now.

I said well yea true but honestly worth it Andy smiled and said yea I agree with you. Me and Andy both washed each other's hair and body I gave Andy a mohawk and we started laughing together.

An hour later me and Andy got out of the shower and dried off and changed and headed back into our room. Andy plugged our phones in and we climbed into bed and cuddled against each other and fell asleep for the night.

I smiled and said I love you Andy he smiled and said love you too Abby and he kissed my head and we both fell asleep. A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I yawned and stretched and rolled off of Andy.

I opened my eyes and squinted because of how bright the sun was. Andy was snoring lightly and I smiled and covered my head with the blanket and closed my eyes again and sighed.

A little while later Andy woke up and growled lowly and yawned and stretched. I woke back up and yawned and stretched. I uncovered my head with the blanket and looked at Andy he sighed and yawned.

Andy said morning princessa I laughed and said morning Mr. Waddles. Andy started laughing and shook his head and said Jesus Abby I can't stand you sometimes. I laughed and said I know trust me I said so what are we doing today he said I don't know honestly.

Me and Andy ended up staying in our dorm room all day and watched movies together and ate food. A couple of hours later me and Andy got ready for bed and plugged our phones in and fell asleep.

THE BEAST 2Where stories live. Discover now