91 monday

6 1 0


My alarm went off and I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I opened my eyes and saw Andys neck and I smiled and bit my lip. Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm and put it back down.

I rolled off of Andy and got out of bed and walked over to his bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I walked out of his bathroom and over to his closet and walked in it and picked out clothes.

I walked out of his closet and closed the door and started changing and sprayed some body spray on. Andy got up and yawned and stretched and headed into his bathroom and closed the door.

I picked out Andy some clothes and his cologne and put them down on his bed. Andy walked out of his bathroom and walked over to his bed and said princessa. I said huh he looked at me and smiled and leaned down and kissed me.

I pulled back and said huh he said thank you for picking out my clothes I smiled and said of course. Andy started changing and sprayed some cologne on and we both put on our shoes.

Me and Andy grabbed everything we needed and walked out of his room. I said every one is still sleeping Andy said yep and we walked down the hallway. Andy yelled EVERY ONE WAKE THE FUCK UP RISE AND SHINE BIATCHES.

I started laughing and said Andy shut the fuck up and we walked downstairs. Cc yelled FUCK YOU ANDREW IN SLEEPING BASTARD. Me and Andy started laughing and walked out of the front door. Andy locked the front door and I hopped in the car and buckled up.

Andy got in and I locked the car and he also buckled up. I smiled and said I'm drivibgbhe said ok sounds good I turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway. I started driving out of the neighborhood and hit the highway.

A couple minutes later I pulled up to the dorm room building and picked up Lilly. She hopped in the car and said hey bitches I missed you guys and she buckled up. I started driving again and parked in the school parking lot.

Me Andy and Lilly all got out of the car and I locked the car and we all started walking to the building. Me Andy and Lilly all walked up the stairs and over to the doors. Andy opened the door and we all walked inside and he walked in after us.

Lilly grabbed my hand and I followed her to the classroom. Andy said damn yall wait up and me and Lilly started laughing together. People started walking in front of Andy and he said are you fucking kidding me.

I shook my head and said he's fucking hilarious. Me and Lilly walked into class and she gave me a hug and went to her seat. Andy followed a couple people into class and walked over to his seat and sat down.

Jackson said good morning Abby and Andy he smiled and said hey morning Jackson. I said guess what he said whats up Abby I said I moved in with the guys. He smiled and said yo that's amazing I said yea now I live with 5 guys.

Jackson said nice and started laughing Andy said yea its kinda weird only having one girl now. I said ok and well oh well you said I could move in. Andy laughed and said well yea that is true I did in fact let you move in with us.

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. I looked at Andy and he looked at me and said I love you Abby. I smiled and said I love you more Andy and he ran his knuckle against my jaw.

I sat up and grabbed Andys hand and I kissed it and he smiled and said aw princessa your adorable. I laughed and let his hand go and looked at the board. I smiled and looked at my phone and texted my mom.

A couple minutes later the teacher locked the door and came over to his desk and sat down in his seat. The teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal. After the teacher took attendance then he handed out the worksheets.

Mr. Styles explained what we were supposed to do on the worksheet. After the teacher finished explaining what we were supposed to do. We all started doing our work and asked for help when we needed it.

A little while later after everyone finished doing our worksheets we handed then into the teacher. We all waited for class to end so we could go to our next class. A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the school building.

Me Lilly Andy and Jackson all walked out of school and Andy grabbed my hand and I followed him. We all walked down the stairs and walked over to my car. A couple minutes later we all got to my car and Jackson left and headed back to his car.

Andy unlocked the car and we all got into it and locked the car. We all buckled up and Andy turned on the car and started driving out of the parking lot. Andy dropped off Lilly and we left and headed back to Andys house.

Andy turned on some music and we started jamming out together. I smiled and looked out the window and listened to the music. A little while later me and Andy got home and he parked in his driveway.

Me and Andy got out of the car after he parker the car. Me and Andy started walking towards the front door after he locked the car. Andy unlocked the door and we headed inside and closed the door and locked it.

A couple minutes later me and Andy headed upstairs and me and Andy put our bags down in his room. Me and Andy used the restroom after we walked out of the bathroom we walked out of his room.

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