We all started laughing together and Andy just looked at me and Lilly extremely pissed off. Andy sighed and rolled his eyes and looked at the ground.

I got up and walked over to Andy and he lifted his head up. Andy said Abby I don't want to lose you and his eyes started watering. I bit my lip and shook my head and said Andy you literally said you should have killed Lilly.

Andy said I didn't fucking mean it Abby I was pissed off because of Jason and she went off on me. I sighed and said yea I know but Lilly loves me and wants to protect me.

Andy said yea I know but I love you and your gonna be my future wife. I said yea I know and looked down Andy said Abby look at me. I looked at Andy and he said please don't ever leave me alone and his voice cracked slightly.

I felt like my heart was getting shredded in my chest I said I won't as long as you don't. Andy said Abby I would never fucking leave you or hurt you I said I know. The air was starting to feel slightly thick and I couldn't breathe.

I felt like my throat was closing when I looked into andys dull blue eyes. Andy bit his lip and said Abby I fucking love you I smiled and said I fucking love you too.

Everyone said awww and we all started laughing together and I shook my head. Cc and jinxx let Andy go and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and he hoisted me up and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I smiled and bit my lip while Andy said I'm fucking crazy about you Abby. I pulled back and smiled and said good I'm glad because I'm crazy about you as well Andy.

Andy smiled and said what should we do later and he winked at me and I bit my lip and said I don't know. Andy said well alright we will figure something out later I said ok and shrugged my shoulders.

Cc said um whole all is hungry every one said me in sync and we all started laughing together. Cc said ok and got up and walked into the kitchen. Cc said Andrew i need your help Andy sighed and put me down and headed into the kitchen.

I sat down on the couch and smiled widely and everyone started laughing and shook their heads. A little while later the food was done and we all hung out on the couch and watched movies.

After we all finished eating me and jinxx did the dishes together and talked about random shit. I said jinxx he said yea whats up Abby I said what if I get kidnapped by Jason.

Jinxx said well you would end up turning into one of us or be brainwashed. I said ok and jinxx said would end up turning against all of us.

I said no that can never happen jinxx said it won't Abby I promise. We all continued watching movies downstairs all day. A couple of hours later everyone headed upstairs and went into their rooms.

Andy carried me bridal style into his room and tucked me in and plugged in my phone. A couple minutes later Andy laued down next to me and fell asleep as well.

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