8 part 2

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I walked back to my seat and sat down and waited for graduation to be over. A little while later the principle announced THANK YOU TO ALL THE AMAZING PARENTS WHO COULD MAKE IT TO THE GRADUATION. CONGRATS TO ALL OF THESE AMAZING YOUNG INDIVIDUALS AND I HOPE YOU ALL DO AMAZING THINGS WITH YOUR LIVES.

After he finished talking every one started clapping and cheering again. The principle announced EVERY ONE STAND UP AND THROW YOUR CAPS IN THE AIR. Everyone stood up and threw their caps I kept mine on. I started smiling widely they let the parents out first.

All of the students walked back where they came in from. A couple minutes later they finally let all of the students out to find their parents. I ran over to my mom and gave her a hug and she said babe we made it I smiled and said yes mom we did. Me and my mom and Andys parents all took pictures together.

A little while later we all headed to I Hop to eat dinner. The traffic was extremely bad we got there a little while later. We all walked inside and sat down in a seat there were a lot of people here. We all sat down and ordered our drinks and food. Me Andy and Lilly all sat beside each other.

We all talked about random shit and laughed together a little while later we all got our food and started eating. We all talked while eating we all bonded over a bunch of stuff. Our parents took pictures of us and we all started laughing together.

A little while later we finished eating and opened gifts. My mom said we are all going on a family vacation together and Andys roommates can come. We all started cheering I said hell yea family vacation and I did a peace sign and Andy took a picture.

A little while later we all left and headed home Andy and his parents went to his house. Me and my mom got home at 1 am and we quickly changed and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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